This week’s blog is specifically for you writers out there. The masterful Kristine Kathryn Rusch is the creative source behind two projects that launched last week to help writers improve their business and craft.
First up is Creating Your Author Brand, Kris’ latest entry in the WMG Writer’s Guide series.
Here’s the synopsis:
Getting a book into readers’ hands means achieving that modern marketing buzzword: discoverability. And the simplest way to gain that reader recognition? Branding.
Branding helps readers find an author’s work. But many authors fail to grasp the concept of creating an effective author brand. Now, New York Times bestselling author and renowned business blogger Kristine Kathryn Rusch expertly tackles the topic in this latest WMG Writer’s Guide.
In this guide, Rusch teaches the basic concepts of branding and helps authors convert those concepts into useful action to individually brand themselves to maximize reader recognition.
And I’ve got more good news: for a limited time you can get Creating Your Author Brand (plus nine other useful tools to improve your writing business) as part of The Write Stuff 2018 Bundle, curated by Kris herself.
WMG has two books and a lecture in this information-packed Storybundle.
The initial titles in The Write Stuff 2018 Bundle (minimum $5 to purchase) are:
Completing the Writer’s To-Do List by Tonya D. Price, MBA
Creating Your Author Brand by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Writing a Novel in Five Days While Traveling by Dean Wesley Smith
BFB Vol. 7: Three Act Structure for Professional Writers by Blaze Ward
If you pay at least the bonus price of just $15, you get all four of the regular titles, plus SIX more!
Secrets to Effective Author Marketing by Maggie McVay Lynch
Estate Planning for Authors by M.L. Buchman
BFB Vol. 5: Business Planning for Professional Publishers by Leah Cutter
How to Get Your Book Into Schools by David H. Hendrickson
WMG Publishing Presents: Heinlen’s Rules Writing Lecture by Dean Wesley Smith
The Ancient Child Thirty Day Program by Steven Barnes
This is a heckuva deal, but you’d better hurry—the Storybundle ends May 17!
Allyson Longueira is publisher of WMG Publishing. She is an award-winning writer, editor and designer.