Well, here we are: 2021. We survived 2020. The challenges and turmoil from 2020 will naturally bleed over into 2021, of course, but change is on the horizon. And hope.

I started 2020 in a very hopeful place. After 2019 (brain surgery), I knew 2020 had to be better. Yeah, totally didn’t see 2020 coming…

But after three very challenging years (2018 was rough for me because of health issues for some of those I love), I’ve learned to prepare for the future but live in the now.

As a result, my New Year’s Resolution this year is the same as last year. Stay healthy, concentrate on the joys in my life, and focus on my goals (personal and professional).

And adjust those goals as necessary to adapt to whatever changes the universe throws my way.

Versatility will be key this year, I suspect. If I had to make a prediction, I’d say 2021 will be a year of transition.

Our universal goal for 2021 is to find our new normal. But that will take time. Just like the vaccine rollout will take time to help us achieve that goal.

In the interim, the pandemic rages on. And so, for now, we must continue to live in a Covid world. But that can’t stop us from working toward our goals and making new resolutions.

And for writers, those goals and resolutions often include improving their craft and increasing their knowledge of the publishing world.

So, WMG is offering what we hope is the last workshop sale of this pandemic to help writers meet their 2021 resolutions and goals.

That means that now through 5 p.m. PST on Thursday, Jan. 7, every WMG Publishing Workshop, Lecture, Pop-Up, Class, or Subscription on Teachable will be HALF PRICE!

That includes the new workshops COVERS 101 and MAKING MONEY WITH YOUR WRITING, and the almost new PUBLISHING 101 and KILLING CRITICAL VOICE. Plus, the new Pop-Ups and any of the challenges, as well as the brand-new Collection Classes. The latter are two-month-long special classes and are not included in any subscription, but you can get all six of them for 2021 and end up with a published collection. Now that’s a resolution worth making!

Even the Lifetime Workshop Subscriptions are half price.

The coupon code to get anything on WMG’s Teachable at half price for the next 12 days is: Resolution.

And feel free to share this offer with any writer in your life, but remember that the sale ends sharply at 5 p.m. PST on Thursday, Jan. 7.

Click here to read Dean Wesley Smith’s full blog on the sale and here to go straight to Teachable.

Hopefully, some ay soon, the need for these sales will end because the pandemic will be under control, and we’ll transition to our new normal. But until then, WMG resolves to do what we can to help writers get through the coming months and get 2021 off to a better start.

Allyson Longueira is publisher of WMG Publishing. She is an award-winning writer, editor and designer, working mother, and brain tumor survivor.