The turmoil of 2021 (and 2020) continues, but life marches on. We all need some sense of moving forward into a better future.

Here at WMG, we are focusing on just that: the future. Oh, and a whole lot of other sci-fi tropes. In fact, I can’t think of a better time to have launched our latest Kickstarter project: Colliding Worlds, which showcases some of the best science fiction you will ever read.

For more than four decades, New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith have been writing professional science fiction short stories that have not only won awards and sold millions of copies, but also have been acclaimed and enjoyed by fans over the entire world.

Now, for the first time, we are collecting 100 of their science fiction short stories together into a five-volume set called Colliding Worlds. The series will feature fifty stories from each author, with ten stories from each author in every volume.

That’s right: joint collections featuring Kris and Dean’s writing. They are very different writers with very different styles, but the worlds they each create are marvels to behold.

You can read all about the Kickstarter here. And be sure to watch the delightful video to see Kris and Dean talk about this fun project.

The Kickstarter, like all of our Kickstarters, features bonus material (including a free ebook copy of Fiction River Presents: Time Travelers for every backer at the $5 and up level), stretch rewards (we’ve already unlocked the first one, which means all those backers also get Kris’ novel Killer Advice), exclusive workshops and much more.

And because this is a Kickstarter Make 100 project, there is also a reward limited to 100 backers for signed/limited hardcovers of the five Colliding Worlds volumes.

Again, you can click here to read all about it.

But before I sign off for another adventurous week in January 2021, I would like to thank those of you who reached out to send your well wishes for my dad and stepmom’s health. It got quite scary there for a bit, but they are both now recovering from Covid.

Please keep yourselves and your loved ones safe, y’all.

Allyson Longueira is publisher of WMG Publishing. She is an award-winning writer, editor and designer, working mother, and brain tumor survivor.