Although our offices are closed this Memorial Day, we still have lots to talk about. June will be a busy month for releases from WMG, with 13 new books releasing along with a variety of other projects.

First up are two nonfiction books for writers: Tips about the Film/TV Industry for Novelists by Kristine Kathryn Rusch and How to Write a Novel in Half a Month by Dean Wesley Smith.

Here are the synopses for each:

Tips about the Film/TV Industry for Novelists

Mention Hollywood and novelists hear promises of riches, fame and glory.

But any writer who ventures into Hollywood alone or with an agent as their guardian actually walks buck naked and unarmed onto a battlefield filled with trained soldiers poised to strip that writer of everything that matters most to them, including the rights to their own work.

In this invaluable guide, award-winning and New York Times bestselling author Kristine Kathryn Rusch offers novelists an arsenal of survival tools and tips for the unwary.

How to Write a Novel in Half a Month: A Personal Guide to How It Can Be Easily Done

Many writers seem to view writing a novel while working a full-time job as an impossible task.

USA Today bestselling writer Dean Wesley Smith once again proves that notion false.

In this latest WMG Writer’s Guide, Smith details out his days while he works at his publishing business, teaches online workshops, keeps fit, and writes the latest novel—all in 15 days. And enjoys doing it all!

Author of more than one-hundred-and-fifty novels, Smith shares his strategies for staying focused, keeping upbeat, and enjoying what he loves most—writing.

Both books will be released in ebook and trade paperback formats tomorrow. You can read more about Kris’ book here and Dean’s book here.

We’re also in the final days of The Chase: A Diving Kickstarter, which has already reached several stretch goals, guaranteeing lots of great rewards for backers. This latest Diving Series Kickstarter offers the new novel, The Chase, months ahead of its September release (in all formats, including signed limited hardcover), plus new Diving Pairs, special workshops and so much more.

You can check out the Kickstarter here to read all about it, see Kris’ video, and check out all the fantastic rewards, stretch goals and more.

The Kickstarter ends Thursday, so don’t delay.

And stay tuned for more new release news all month long!

Allyson Longueira is publisher of WMG Publishing. She is an award-winning writer, editor and designer, working mother, and brain tumor survivor.