As I mentioned last week, this is a busy month for book releases. And six of those are written or edited by bestselling author Dean Wesley Smith.

Last week, we released Dean’s latest nonfiction book: How to Write a Novel in Half a Month. (Click here to read more about that.) Dean also has titles called How to Write a Novel in Ten Days, Writing a Novel in Seven Days, and Writing a Novel in Five Days While Traveling.

See a theme? Dean brooks no excuses for not writing!

He wrote those nonfiction books while writing fiction. They are often hands-on examples.

So, it’s no surprise that Dean can have so many books publishing in one month.

He’s a very busy guy!

This week, we’ll be publishing one new novel and a new Pulphouse book.

The novel is Bottom Pair: A Cold Poker Gang Mystery.

Here’s the synopsis:

Sandy Goodson in 2002 vanished without a trace.

Seventeen years later, retired detectives Isadora Fawn and Hugh Halligan team up, working for the Cold Poker Gang task force, to look into the Goodson missing person’s case.

As active detectives years earlier, both individually tried to solve this impossible case without luck. Now, together, they uncover far, far more than they ever imagined.

Another very twisted Cold Poker Gang mystery novel.

Bottom Pair releases tomorrow. You can find more information about that here.

The new Pulphouse book is called Cattitude, edited, of course, by Dean. It’s the perfect mix of cat stories with attitude! Here’s the synopsis:

From the pages of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine come eight delightful stories featuring cats—some who charm, some who connive, even some who simply demand attention.

In short, these stories have Cattitude.

From some of Pulphouse’s best and most prolific writers, these stories embody the Pulphouse spirit: no genre limitations, no topic limitations, just attitude and top-quality writing.

“Queen of the Mouse Riders” by Annie Reed
“The Fur Tsunami” by Kent Patterson
“Bushtits Gone Wild” by Stephanie Writt
“The Goddess Particle” by Dæmon Crowe
“An Incursion of Mice” by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
“Erwin or Ralph” by Ray Vukcevich
“The Mouth that Walked” by Dean Wesley Smith
“Life, with Cats” by Annie Reed

Cattitude releases Thursday, June 10. You can find more information about that here.

And stay tuned for more new books by Dean later in the month!

Allyson Longueira is publisher of WMG Publishing. She is an award-winning writer, editor and designer, working mother, and brain tumor survivor.