This week is going to be epic! Because I have two fabulous new books to tell you about. One for readers and one to help writers.

First up is Wee Folk, a fantastic collection of stories that’s available right now exclusively as part of the Epic Elves StoryBundle.

Here’s the synopsis:

Wee folk populate fiction in a variety of forms, from elves to pixies to fairies to sprites. This collection of six stories from award-winning and bestselling master of short fiction Kristine Kathryn Rusch features all of them.

All centered on the magical, Wee Folk starts off with four stories with an edge. From a new twist on a theatrical legend in “Puckish Behavior” to a gunslinger for hire in “Renn and the Little Men” to funeral disruptors in “Flower Fairies” to battle-worn pixies in “Dispatches from the Front,” the wee folk in these stories prove anything but ordinary.

The final two stories feature elves at the holidays with a lot on their plates, with one Christmas elf serving time for his crimes in “By the Chimney with Care” and another with a big job in “Up on the Rooftop.”

In each magical story, the masterful Kristine Kathryn Rusch puts her trademark twist on the very nature of wee folk.

You can get Wee Folk and nine other epic elven tales for $20. Click here to learn more.

Speaking of epic, you’ve heard of epic fails? Well, writers can fail themselves and their writing in the most epic of ways. In the latest WMG Writer’s Guide, How Writers Fail, Kris discusses these pitfalls and offers hopeful solutions to the problems.

Here’s the synopsis:

Everyone fails at times. Writers fail in predictable ways—ways both foreseeable and preventable.

In this WMG Writer’s Guide, New York Timesbestselling and award-winning author Kristine Kathryn Rusch addresses the pitfalls writers face and offers solutions to help them overcome those obstacles.

Because the best writers push through their challenges to ultimately find success, as Rusch brilliantly illustrates in these real-world examples.

This one was also a StoryBundle exclusive in the recent Write Stuff StoryBundle, but if you missed it there, it will be available in ebook and trade paperback on Tuesday, July 11. Click here to learn more.

So many epic options.

Allyson Longueira is publisher of WMG Publishing. She is an award-winning writer, editor and designer, working mother, and brain tumor survivor.