The Early Conundrums


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The Early Conundrums

Kristine Kathryn Rusch

Spade: Secret Master of Fandom and Private Detective.

Paladin: Spade’s enigmatic sidekick and infamous detective for hire.

Together: Two of masterful author Kristine Kathryn Rusch’s most popular characters.

Included are five Spade/Paladin Conundrums: “Stomping Mad,” “The Case of the Vanishing Boy,” “The Karnikov Card,” “Pandora’s Box,” and “Trick or Treat.”

“I hope to read many more stories about Spade and Paladin.”
—Bill Crider, Mystery Scene

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Recovering Apollo 8

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Science fiction Available in: ebook, $4.99 Trade paperback, $12.99 ISBN 978-0615772424 Amazon Kobo WMG and others

Recovering Apollo 8

Kristine Kathryn Rusch

In a world where Apollo 8 veered tragically off course, the event sent the astronauts, and the space program, hurtling into space, lost and helpless. The tragedy so affected eight-year-old Richard Johansenn that he dedicates his life—and the fortune he amasses along the way—to recovering the capsule. But Richard’s quest proves more complicated than a simple recovery mission, causing him to question the meaning of life, the meaning of death and the heroisms in between.
“This is a thoughtful, introspective piece that speaks to themes of hope, doubt, perseverance, and obsession.”
Tangent Online

Santa and Other Christmas Criminals

Holiday Stories

Available in:
ebook, $5.99
Trade paperback, $12.99
ISBN 978-0615737256

Santa and Other Christmas Criminals

Kristine Kathryn Rusch

Think about it: Santa sneaks in during the dead of night. He steals cookies, drinks some milk, maybe tracks ashes all over the living room. Yeah, he leaves presents, but maybe that’s just a cover for more nefarious behavior. Who knows…besides Santa himself?

The darker side of Santa shows up in two of the Christmas stories in this collection, “Doubting Thomas” and “Rehabilitation.” Real criminals—the scary kind—make an appearance in “Snow Angels” and “Substitutions.” And just to add a bit of the proper Christmas sentiment, “Nutball Season” closes the volume—with a not-so-sinister Santa, a little boy, and a cop stamping his feet in the snow on Christmas Eve.

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Five Goofy Science Fiction Stories

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Science fiction Humor Collections Available in: ebook, $5.99 Trade paperback, $12.99 ISBN 978-0615809762 Amazon Kobo and others.

Five Goofy Science Fiction Stories

Kristine Kathryn Rusch

Readers know Hugo-award winner Kristine Kathryn Rusch for her serious, deeply thought-out science fiction. But the former editor of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction also has a silly side, one in evidence in the five stories in this collection. Only one story, “Paparazzi of Dreams,” is at all serious, although it has a very skewed perspective of the world. “Going Native,” pretends to seriousness, like so many news stories do. In “Advisors at Naptime,” a child saves the world only because she wants a nap. In “The One That Got Away,” poker players thwart an alien invasion, and in Rusch’s popular “What Fluffy Knew,” a cat does. Rusch takes her chosen genre seriously most of the time. But fortunately for readers, she doesn’t take it seriously all of the time.
“This is science fiction writing at its best.”

Five Fantastic Tales

Fantasy Collections Available in: ebook, $5.99 Trade paperback, $12.99 ISBN 978-0615730431

Five Fantastic Tales

Kristine Kathryn Rusch

The five magical stories in this short collection include stories of fairies and shapeshifters and magic shops. In this collection, you’ll find the heartwarming “Flower Fairies,” the whimsical “The Poop Thief,” the outrageous “Say Hello To My Little Friend,” the political vampire tale, “Victims,” and a tale of high school gone wrong, “Domestic Magic.”

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