Fiction River Special Edition: Summer Sizzles

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Fiction River Special Edition: Summer Sizzles

Edited by Kristine Grayson

In this fourth Fiction River Special Edition, best-selling romance writer and editor Kristine Grayson takes readers into the world of romantic suspense. These stories—from military romance, to love in the criminal underworld, to a highly unusual shipboard romance, and breathtaking suspense, capped by a modern gothic novella set on an idyllic island—make a perfect beginning to summer reading. The heat of attraction, the sparks of passion, and the frisson of suspense all thread their way through every story in the volume. 

“Night Moves” by Katie Pressa
“Safe Like Cedar” by Lisa Silverthorne
“Flying Above the Hindu Kush” by M.L. Buchman
“Love on the Run” by Kelly Washington
“Need to Know” by Sabrina Chase
“Bribing Ghosts” by Leah Cutter
“Come Summer, Come Winter, I’ll Come for You” by Rei Rosenquist
“Totality” by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
“That Summer on Blue Heron Island” by Dayle A. Dermatis

Fiction River Presents: Space Travelers

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Fiction River Presents: Space Travelers

Edited by Kristine Kathryn Rusch

Pulling from the list of her favorite stories for this volume of Fiction River Presents, editor Kristine Kathryn Rusch takes readers on a thrilling journey. From little rovers exploring the planets where humans cannot yet go, to human explorers flung into realms of space/time beyond their knowledge and experience, to aliens who drop in for a visit to Earth for purposes only they can fathom—these travelers entertain, sometimes terrify, and always fascinate.

With this tantalizing volume, Rusch asks the reader, “Wanna go for a ride?”

“Tendrils” by Leigh Saunders
“Moonfall” by Lisa Silverthorne
“The Rock of Kansas” by Eric Kent Edstrom
“Hot Jupiters” by Steven Mohan, Jr.
“Embedded” by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
“Ice Dogs” by Kris Austen Radcliffe
“Closing The Big Bang” by Michéle Laframboise
“Time, Expressed As An Entrée” by Robert Jeschonek

Fiction River Special Edition: Spies

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Fiction River Special Edition: Spies

Edited by Kristine Kathryn Rusch

In this third Fiction River Special Edition, award-winning editor Kristine Kathryn Rusch proves a master of intrigue with a wide variety of spy stories. Ranging in tone from satire to serious, from touching to brutal, from light to oh-so-very-dark, these fifteen stories illuminate the secret world of espionage. Despite their different tones, different cultures, even different time periods, these diverse stories form a powerful anthology that reveals the world in all its messiness.

“Spy in the Sky” by Tonya D. Price
“Meeting at the Rise and Shine” by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
“Highpoint” by Michael Kingswood
“Through the Eyes of a Dog” by Angela Penrose
“Cat and Mice” by Jamie McNabb
“Our Man in Basingstoke” by Sabrina Chase
“Night Flight” by Jonathan Kort
“End of the Line” by David H. Hendrickson
“The Florentine Exchange” by Dayle A. Dermatis
“The Message” by C.A. Rowland
“Not What You’d Expect” by Leah Cutter
“Turkish Coffee” by Johanna Rothman
“The Path” by David Stier
“Trafficking Stops” by Lisa Silverthorne
“The Spy Who Walked into the Cold” by Ron Collins

“…high quality throughout.”

—Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine on Fiction River Special Edition: Crime

Fiction River Presents: Among the Stars

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Fiction River Presents: Among the Stars

Edited by Kristine Kathryn Rusch

Editor Kristine Kathryn Rusch reaches for the stars with this latest volume of Fiction River Presents. With stories that take the reader from pulse-pounding terror and utter darkness to sheer joy and wish fulfillment, this volume runs the gamut of the space opera genre. So, get ready for a wonderful journey and see why Adventures Fantastic says: “If you haven’t checked out Fiction River yet, you should. There’s something for everyone.”

Table of Contents
“Get Inside” by Dayle A. Dermatis
“Sole Survivor” by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
“The Mooring Buoy” by Jamie McNabb
“Schrodinger’s Bar” by Kim May
“Upon_A_Starship.png” by Brigid Collins
“Jelly’s Heroes” by Louisa Swann
“Dreams of A Moon” by Dean Wesley Smith
“Charlie Company” by JC Andrijeski
“H-Hour” by Steven Mohan, Jr.

Fiction River: Feel the Love

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Fiction River: Feel the Love

Edited by Mark Leslie

The Fiction River series is a wonderful mind-expanding read…

—Astro Guyz

Love. An essential and important part of the human experience. And in Feel the Love, editor Mark Leslie takes readers on a journey through the various forms of that powerful emotion. From the heartwarming to the heartbreaking, these eighteen talented writers brilliantly capture the concept of love. Comforting and thoughtful, uplifting and warm, these stories might just restore your faith in humanity.

Table of Contents
“Thief” by Michael Kowal
“Death’s Other Cousin” by Lisa Silverthorne
“Making Amends” by David Stier
“Frostwitch vs. the Ravages of Time” by Dayle A. Dermatis
“The Goddess Killer” by Lauryn Christopher
“Love Locks” by Dale Hartley Emery
“Love Bots” by Dæmon Crowe
“Loving Abby” by Angela Penrose
“Foiled” by Brigid Collins
“A Love to Remember” by Tonya D. Price
“The Refurbished Companion” by Kelly Washington
“The Secret of Catnip” by Stefon Mears
“Lifeblood” by Alexandra Brandt
“Who Loves the Unloved?” by Laura Ware
“Henry and Beth at the Funeral Home” by Joe Cron
“Truth and Lies” by David H. Hendrickson
“With Love in Their Hearts” by Robert Jeschonek
“Every Day New, Bright and Beautiful” by Annie Reed