Fiction River: Hard Choices

Fiction River

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Fiction River: Hard Choices

Edited by Dean Wesley Smith

In this latest volume of Fiction River, editor Dean Wesley Smith pulls together an eclectic but cohesive group of stories filled with difficult decisions. From a man who must question the line between justice and vengeance to a teenage fixer fighting hypocrisy to a post-apocalyptic survivor’s mission to deliver one last message, each of these stories demonstrates extremely hard choices—and some very real consequences.

Table of Contents
“Equal Justice” by Annie Reed
“Payback” by Tonya D. Price
“Eric the Monkey” by Dan C. Duval
“Prospecting” by Ron Collins
“Toots” by Michael Kowal
“The Devil’s Muse” by Laura Ware
“Clean and Godly in Denmark” by Diana Deverell
“Killshot” by Annie Reed
“Four Hundred Yards” by Dale Hartley Emery
“A Life with Meaning” by David Stier
“Nightmare Scenario” by Chuck Heintzelman
“Echo” by Leslie Clare Walker
“Haunted” by Jamie Ferguson
“Skinwalker” by Valerie Brook
“Missiles of October” by Dan C. Duval
“Girl with a Mission” by Dayle A. Dermatis
“A New Day” by Kendall Heintzelman
“They Taught Us Wrong” by M.L. Buchman
“Tendrils” by Leigh Saunders
“Little Byte and Big Pieces” by Valerie Brook

 “The Fiction River series is a wonderful mind-expanding read…”
—Astro Guyz

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Fiction River: Pulse Pounders: Countdown

Fiction River

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Fiction River: Pulse Pounders: Countdown

Edited by Kevin J. Anderson

The relentless ticking of a clock as time slips away marks the breathless pace of these remarkable stories. In Fiction River’s third edition of its Pulse Pounders series, these sixteen authors push the envelope of the thriller form. From a man desperately searching for his missing little girl to a chef racing to finish a cooking competition to an airship captain facing a deadly adversary, these stories will keep your pulse racing until the very end.

Table of Contents
“Payback is a Bitch” by Diana Deverell
“Death-Blind” by Robert Jeschonek
“The Airship Adventures of Captain Jane Fury” by Anthea Sharp
“Fifteen Men on a Dead Man’s Chest” by Henry Martin
“The Tomb of Arisel” by Bonnie Elizabeth
“Goodnight, Madison” by Lisa Silverthorne
“Romancing the Puffin” by Louisa Swann
“Dominant Species” by Dayle A. Dermatis
“Three Seconds” by T. Thorn Coyle
“Blood Chase” by Leah Cutter
“Caterpillar Boot Man” by Valerie Brook
“The Case of the Dead Son” by Laura Ware
“Breakfast at Luigi’s” by Thea Hutcheson
“Black Phantom, Gray Op” by Stefon Mears
“The Last Ramekin” by Liz Pierce
“The Princess, the Huntsman and the Monster” by Erik Lynd

​”…this selection of tales is fast-paced and explosive. It’s like a rollercoaster ride of thrills and excitement.”
Tangent Online on Fiction River: Pulse Pounders: Countdown

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Fiction River Special Edition: Editor Saves

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Fiction River

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Fiction River Special Edition: Editor Saves

Edited by Kristine Kathryn Rusch

There’s something for everyone.

<i>—Adventures Fantastic</i>

In this second Fiction River Special Edition, award-winning editor Kristine Kathryn Rusch performs editing magic in assembling this anthology of stories saved by not one but six different Fiction River editors. Culled from stories that did not fit in the magazine’s regular run, these gems piece together to form an anthology all its own. This unique volume contains a variety of genres but one overarching theme: brilliant storytelling.

Table of Contents
“Stealing Mrs. Mackle’s Mojo” by Chuck Heintzelman
“The Man in the Gabardine Suit” by Lauryn Christopher
“One Ballerina Dancing” by Kelly Washington
“The Disinvention of the Surveillance State” by Valerie Brook
“Playing God” by Ron Collins
“Makonde Tree of Life” by David H. Hendrickson
“The Dream” by Michael Kowal
“Damsel on the Hard” by Jamie McNabb
“Dragons Are Fond of Them” by Brigid Collins
“Pixie Problems” by Jonathan Kort
“The Untimely Demise of Rachel Tamson” by Joe Cron
“Cassidy’s Ghost” by Dale Hartley Emery
“Combination” by Lisa Silverthorne
“Airborne” by Louisa Swann
“City of Sin Strangler” by David H. Hendrickson
“The Weird Shit That Happened Because of Tricia Fisher” by Ezekiel James Boston

Fiction River: Wishes

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Fiction River

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ISBN 978-1-56146-063-2

Fiction River: Wishes

Edited by Rebecca Moesta

Forget the old adage that cautions against wishing. The sixteen stories in this latest Fiction River contain just the right amount of heart, magic, pathos, and even hope. From a daughter hoping to save her father with a crash-course in wishery to an unfortunate victim at the wrong end of someone else’s wish, these stories show teens trying to wish away their problems—with often unexpected results. But no matter the dilemma, this volume of Fiction River promises to lift your spirits and remind you just how much magic the universe offers.

Table of Contents
“The Rock of Kansas” by Eric Kent Edstrom
“Movie Boy and Music Girl” by Ron Collins
“Upon_a_Starship.pgm” by Brigid Collins
“Ellen Double Prime” by Alexandra Brandt
“Twin Wishes” by Jamie Ferguson
“Granted” by Robert T. Jeschonek
“If Wishes Were Kisses” by Lesley L. Smith
“A Winged Heart” by T. Thorn Coyle
“What Alanna Wished, How, and Why” by Dave Raines
“Blame it on the Ghosts” by Annie Reed
“Family, Fair and True” by Dayle A. Dermatis
“True” by Leslie Claire Walker
“How I Became a Fairy Godmother” by Bonnie Elizabeth
“Starfish at Ebbtide” by Lisa Silverthorne
“Turquoise Trail” by Diana Deverell
“As Fast as Wishes Travel” by Dale Hartley Emery

Fiction River: Wishes is a themed anthology with YA stories. It’s always a risk writing stories for such a well-worn trope, but there is still room for new variations and the book manages to find more than just a few.

<i>—Tangent Online</i>

Fiction River: Crime Boxed Set

Fiction River

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ebook, $3.99

Fiction River: Crime Boxed Set

Edited by Kristine Kathryn Rusch

Enjoy some of the best short fiction being published today in this three-book bundle containing three crime volumes of Fiction River: An Original Anthology Magazine.

Fiction River is an original fiction anthology series. Modeled on successful anthology series of the past, from Orbit to Universe to Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine, the goal of Fiction River is to provide a forum for “original ground-breaking fiction of all genres.” Each Fiction River volume comes in ebook and trade paperback format, published by WMG Publishing, and features some of the best new and established fiction writers in publishing. Dean Wesley Smith and Kristine Kathryn Rusch are award-winning editors, as well as award-winning writers, and act as series editors for the anthologies. For more information about the authors or Fiction River, go to

This bundle includes: Past Crime, Hidden in Crime, and Special Edition: Crime.

Past Crime

Laws change from culture to culture, decade to decade. Strange laws make criminals of ordinary citizens. Like the Massachusetts woman whose brother asks her for help, slave hunters at his heels. Or the Chinese immigrant who finds himself in the middle of a crooked game of Fan Tan. Or the Native American detective searching New York’s Stonewall Bar for a ratfink on the night of a world-changing riot. These stories and more prove that once again, Fiction River’s crime volumes have, in the words of Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, “high quality throughout.”

Edited by: Kristine Kathryn Rusch. Original stories by: Dory Crowe, Leah Cutter, Jamie McNabb, Dean Wesley Smith, Lee Allred, Richard Quarry, Lisa Silverthorne, Cat Rambo, Kris Nelscott, M. Elizabeth Castle, Michele Lang, and JC Andrijeski.

Hidden in Crime

Imagine paying a fine for walking across town. Or hiding an illegal marriage. Or losing your life for playing the harp. Strange crimes, dangerous activities, some from the not-so-distant past, return to life in Hidden in Crime. See why Publishers Weekly states “… fans of the unconventional will be well satisfied.” Join some of the best authors in the business as they uncover once-hidden crimes.

Edited by: Kristine Kathryn Rusch. Original stories by: Annie Reed, Patrick O’Sullivan, Kelly Washington, Kris Nelscott, Tonya D. Price, Michele Lang, Cindie Geddes, Mario Milosevic, Debbie Mumford, Elliotte Rusty Harold, Angela Penrose, Michael Kowal, Anthea Sharp, Paul Eckheart, Bill Beatty, Dan C. Duval, M. Elizabeth Castle, and Ron Collins.

Special Edition: Crime

From a twisted tale of greed by masterful writer Kate Wilhelm to a dark tale of murder and betrayal by Shamus-award winner Brendan DuBois, Fiction River Special Edition: Crime covers the entire gamut of the mystery genre—cozy to noir. New York Times bestselling author Julie Hyzy joins Edgar Award-winner Doug Allyn and several others to create one of the strongest (and most diverse) anthologies of the season.

Edited by: Kristine Kathryn Rusch. Original stories by: Doug Allyn, Steve Hockensmith, Brendan DuBois, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Julie Hyzy, Melissa Yi, Dæmon Crowe, Libby Fischer Hellmann, Karen Fonville, Karen L. Abrahamson, Kate Wilhelm, M. Elizabeth Castle, Annie Reed, Dean Wesley Smith, and JC Andrijeski.

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