Don’t Touch My Magic: Stories from Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

Pulphouse Books
Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

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ebook, $3.99
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Don’t Touch My Magic!:
Stories from Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

Edited by Dean Wesley Smith

Magic stories, by their very nature, create fictional worlds. Take a story with magic and twist it in a way that makes it a Pulphouse story, and you get fiction that sometimes shocks, sometimes challenges, and sometimes breaks your heart.

From flying underwear trying to save the world to Mouse Riders trying to save their own world. From a made-up fantasy world to a magical cartoon character exploring his cartoon world. From a romance bound by two guns to a lawyer who represents the magical world in real court.

These ten stories crafted by extremely talented writers take readers to magical worlds.

“In the Empire of Underpants” by Robert Jeschonek
“Coyote and the Amazing Herbal Formula” by Sabrina Chase
“Hand Fast” by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
“The Reign to Come” by Kevin J. Anderson
“A Magical Negro” by Ezekiel James Boston
“This Magic Moment” by Lisa Silverthorne
“Unnatural Law” by J. Steven York
“PMS and a Hand Grenade” by Brenda Carre
“Custard: A Romeo and Juliet Story (sort of)” by Dayle A. Dermatis
“Queen of the Mouse Riders” by Annie Reed

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Hot Springs Meadow: A Thunder Mountain Novella

Thunder Mountain
Science Fiction

Available in:
ebook, $3.99
trade paperback, $9.99

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Hot Springs Meadow: A Thunder Mountain Novella

Dean Wesley Smith

Jenny Lind, a traveler from the institute, found a hidden hot springs back in 1902 near the boomtown of Roosevelt.

In 2018, traveler Kathryn “Flag” Sinclair found an article that Jenny wrote for a local paper in 1903 about the hidden hot springs. And went in search of the hot springs.

Neither woman knew the other, or knew the other was a traveler from the institute back in time.

What happens next spans more than a century and might prove one of the more twisted Thunder Mountain adventures yet.

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Stories for the Cold of Winter

Holiday Stories

Available in:
ebook, $5.99
Trade paperback, $12.99

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Stories for the Cold of Winter

Kristine Kathryn Rusch

 Light-hearted holiday stories abound, but when the days turn cold and bracing, darker tales tempt the senses. This collection of five stories from award-winning and bestselling master of short fiction Kristine Kathryn Rusch fits that bill.

All centered on the winter holidays, Stories for the Cold of Winter features four crime stories: “The Thanksgiving After,” a suspense story set on Black Friday (more or less); “Frank’s Corner Bar,” a Christmas day story set in a neighborhood bar during an ice storm; “Resolution,” which follows an assassin trying to change her life with the new year; and “Other People’s Stupidity,” which focuses on the legal profession at year’s end.

The fifth offering, “Vigil,” offers a tale of quiet dedication to lives lost.

So, stoke the fire and let these tales entertain on a cold winter’s night.

“[Rusch’s] short fiction is golden.”
The Kansas City Star

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Sweet Holidays: A Holiday Anthology

Holiday Anthology Series

Available in:
ebook, $5.99
trade paperback, $14.99

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Sweet Holidays: A Holiday Anthology

Edited by Kristine Kathryn Rusch

The best holiday stories delight with heartfelt satisfaction from beginning to end.

Romance forms the core of most of the stories in this volume, and they feature holiday settings from Thanksgiving to New Years, with even some made up holidays in between.

From a young woman trying to wheedle some good-luck collard greens out of the new minister on New Year’s Eve to the two young university students adrift in a foreign country for the holidays, each story touches the heart and warms the soul.

A perfect distraction from the hustle and bustle of the holidays! 

“Good Luck Greens” by Irette Y. Patterson
“Finding Sanctuary” by Kari Kilgore
“The Journey Home” by Erik Kort
“Pagan Sunrise” by Stefon Mears
“Toast The Stars” by Stephannie Tallent
“Speakeasy to Her Heart” by Stephanie Writt
“Winter’s Perfect Night” by Kelly Shire
“The Slowpokes’ Parade” by Patricia Duffy Novak
“An Unexpected Winter” by Tao Wong
“New Year’s Fortune” by Anthea Lawson
“Andrew and Shichi-Go-San” by Jason A. Adams
“Coming Home” by Chrissy Wissler

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Mysterious Christmas: A Holiday Anthology

Holiday Anthology Series

Available in:
ebook, $5.99
trade paperback, $14.99

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Mysterious Christmas: A Holiday Anthology

Edited by Kristine Kathryn Rusch

Murder, mayhem, and all manner of crimes set during the holiday season give this anthology a bite that serves as a delightful change from the sweetness that often dominates this time of the year.

This volume contains an abundance of thieves, a few murderers, a wannabe murderer, and one or two stories in which the crime lurks on the periphery. With a host of unreliable narrators, a few psychopaths, and one acrobat, who could resist?

From a search for the perfect Christmas tree that turns deadly to a reformed thief who wrestles with the better angels of his nature when temptation arises during the holidays, these marvelous mysteries prove the perfect distraction for even the stormiest winter evening.

“Christmas Chase” by Tonya D. Price
“For The Win” by Stephannie Tallent
“Into the Good Night” by Rob Vagle
“A Different, Better Red” by Michael Warren Lucas
“The Art of Waiting” by Kelly Washington
“Christmas in the Ruins” by Mary Jo Rabe
“The Magi of St. Michael’s” by Annie Reed
“Pungent Justice” by Kari Kilgore
“Targets of Opportunity” by Stefon Mears
“All The Bells and Whistles” by B.A. Paul
Not A Cozy” by Steven Mohan, Jr.

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