Pulphouse Fiction Magazine: Issue #13

Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

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Pulphouse Fiction Magazine:
Issue #13

Edited by Dean Wesley Smith

The Cutting Edge of Modern Short Fiction

A three-time Hugo Award nominated magazine, this issue of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine offers up nineteen fantastic stories by some of the best writers working in modern short fiction.

No genre limitations, no topic limitations, just great stories. Attitude, feel, and high-quality fiction equals Pulphouse.

“This is definitely a strong start. All the stories have a lot of life to them, and are worthwhile reading.” —Tangent Online on Pulphouse Fiction Magazine, Issue #1

“Brick Houses” by Annie Reed
“Starlings” by Jerry Oltion
“The Man who Married his Wife’s Thigh” by Bonnie Elizabeth
“Bear Trap Island” by Jamie McNabb
“Walking the Dog” by J. Steven York
“Being Ernest” by Rick Wilber
“Art of the Homeless” by Joe Cron
“January 3rd” by Ron Collins
“When the Sun Goes Down” by David H. Hendrickson
“The Poodles of Panama” by Kent Patterson
“The Return of NOPD in 2006” by O’Neil De Noux
“Specialty Hummus” by Jason A. Adams
“New England’s God” by Lee Allred
“The Pearce Shootout” by Robert J. McCarter
“A Jury of Their Peers” by Jim Gotaas
“Till Death” by R.W. Wallace
“Knowledge Blooms” by Rob Vagle
“The Last Surviving Gondola Widow” by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
“The First Hollywood Cowboy of the Bropocalypse” by Robert Jeschonek

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Smith’s Monthly: Issue #52

Smith’s Monthly: Issue #52

Dean Wesley Smith

This 52nd issue of Smith’s Monthly contains more than fifty-seven thousand words of original fiction from USA Today bestselling writer Dean Wesley Smith. Including Ball of Confusion, the new novel in the Earth Protection league series, and five new short stories in some of Dean’s most popular series; Marble Grant, Bryant Street, Poker Boy, and the Seeders Universe among others.

Also in this issue is Stories from July, part 4, with five classic short stories from Dean’s groundbreaking project for which he wrote a short story (or two) a day for one month, blogged about it, and designed a cover for each one. The adventure continues!

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The Big Tom

Pakhet Jones

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ebook, $4.99
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The Big Tom: A Pakhet Jones Short Novel

Dean Wesley Smith

Superhero Pakhet Jones works in the world of cats. She never faces murderers or real evil. At least not until now.

With the help of her partner Diane, superhero detective Sky Tate, and two ghost agents, Marble Grant and Sims, she might be able to solve some of the mystery.

But her best help comes from the big, orange tom cat who ran the downtown area of the city.

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Mule Creek Landslide: A Thunder Mountain Story

Mule Creek Landslide: A Thunder Mountain Story

Dean Wesley Smith

Dita Jean Harris believed that long-haired Henry Nye died under the mudslide that submerged the mining boomtown of Roosevelt. Idaho in 1909. But common knowledge held that no one died.

She wanted to prove that happened and go back over a hundred years and rescue him in an alternate timeline.

But rescue him for what future?

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Something in My Darling: A Bryant Street Story

Bryant Street

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Something in My Darling: A Bryant Street Story

Dean Wesley Smith

Canning Boone starts noticing something changed with his wife Jenny when they moved onto Bryant Street. Of all things she seemed happy. And talked about losing weight.

Shocked and horrified described Canning’s reaction. And she lost the weight. Canning knew he must do something. But what?

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