Pulphouse Fiction Magazine: Issue #21

Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

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Pulphouse Fiction Magazine:
Issue #21

Edited by Dean Wesley Smith

The Cutting Edge of Modern Short Fiction

A three-time Hugo Award nominated magazine, this issue of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine offers up twenty fantastic stories by some of the best writers working in modern short fiction.

No genre limitations, no topic limitations, just great stories. Attitude, feel, and high-quality fiction equals Pulphouse.

“This is definitely a strong start. All the stories have a lot of life to them, and are worthwhile reading.” —Tangent Online on Pulphouse Fiction Magazine, Issue #1

“Santa’s Shrinkage” by David H. Hendrickson
“A Crafty Christmas” by Annie Reed
“The Ghost of Christmas Beta” by J. Steven York
“Emergency Elf” by Stefon Mears
“A Grave Kind of Love” by Robert J. McCarter
“The Asshole of Christmas Present” by Ezekiel James Boston
“Christmas at Lake Mead” by Lisa Silverthorne
“The Ghost of Christmas Present” by David Stier
“Christmas Weather” by O’Neil De Noux
“Max, Marilyn, Murder, and Me” by Ray Vukcevich
“Scurvy and Forgiveness” by Rob Vagle
“The Friendly Beasts” by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
“Christmas at Glosser’s” by Robert Jeschonek
“A Corner of the Mind” by Ron Collins
“Other People’s Stupidity” by Kristine Kathryn Rusch

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Smith’s Monthly: Issue #67

Smith’s Monthly

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Smith’s Monthly: Issue #67

Dean Wesley Smith

This 67th issue of Smith’s Monthly contains more than one hundred and one thousand words of fiction from USA Today bestselling writer Dean Wesley Smith, including Dean’s first novel ever published from 1988, Warner Questar Books, Laying the Music to Rest. A science fiction novel with a ghost in it and nominated for a horror fiction award—it covers a lot of bases!

There’s more! There are four new short stories from some of Dean’s most popular series: “The Park, The Yard, and Other Cold Places,” a Bryant Street Story; “The Cabin Between the Pines,” a Thunder Mountain time travel story; “Ghost of Poker Games Past,” a Poker Boy story; and “She Was Dancing,” a Marble Grant story.

Sit back and enjoy some ground-breaking fiction!

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Seavy County

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Kristine Kathryn Rusch

When Rhonda holds a vigil for World Aids Day in the tiny Oregon Coast town of Rickets Rock, she hopes to find someone, anyone, to mourn with her.

But she just might wind up saving someone instead.

This powerful story about compassion and acceptance demonstrates Kristine Kathryn Rusch’s mastery of short fiction.

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Pulphouse Fiction Magazine: Issue #20

Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

Available in:
ebook, $6.99
Trade paperback, $12.99

Pulphouse Fiction Magazine:
Issue #20

Edited by Dean Wesley Smith

The Cutting Edge of Modern Short Fiction

A three-time Hugo Award nominated magazine, this issue of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine offers up twenty fantastic stories by some of the best writers working in modern short fiction.

No genre limitations, no topic limitations, just great stories. Attitude, feel, and high-quality fiction equals Pulphouse.

“This is definitely a strong start. All the stories have a lot of life to them, and are worthwhile reading.” —Tangent Online on Pulphouse Fiction Magazine, Issue #1

“A Game of Virgins” by Lisa Silverthorne
“Fancy Names for Blue” by Rob Vagle
“All About the Ball” by Ray Vukcevich
“The Tiger in the Tub” by Kent Patterson
“It’s Not What You Know” by O’Neil De Noux
“Making Excuses” by Ezekiel James Boston
“Time Map” by Robin Brande
“Cryptodraconis” by Stefon Mears
“Saucermen and Silk Scarves” by Loren L. Coleman
“There Was Enough of Her” by Scott William Carter
“Drawing Dead” by David H. Hendrickson
“Friends of Steel” by Jason A. Adams
“Dogsurfing” by Olivette Devaux
“Scents of Compulsion” by Jerry Oltion
“The Lunar Council Cares” by Ron Collins
“The Case of the Shorted Circuit” by J. Steven York
“Eternal Bond” by R. W. Wallace
“Eating It Too” by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
“Disco Dani and the Bad Penny” by Annie Reed
“Show Me Yours” by Robert Jeschonek

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Smith’s Monthly: Issue #66

Smith’s Monthly

Available in:
ebook, $6.99
trade paperback, $12.99

Smith’s Monthly: Issue #66

Dean Wesley Smith

This 66th issue of Smith’s Monthly contains more than seventy thousand words of fiction from USA Today bestselling writer Dean Wesley Smith, including two full novels from the popular Mary Jo Assassin series: Death Takes a Partner and Death Takes a Diamond. Mary Jo is the most glamorous assassin you can imagine, and in these two novels she faces challenges she never dreamed of!

But that’s not all! There are four new short stories from some of Dean’s most popular series: “The Back Deat,” a Bryant Street Story; “Fifty,” a Thunder Mountain time travel story; “Mystery Cat,” a Pakhet Jones story; and “Just Imagine Murder,” a Marble Grant story.

Hours and hours of entertaining reading!

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