Crimes Collide, Vol. 2

Crimes Collide

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ebook, $6.99
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hardcover, $39.99

Crimes Collide, Vol. 2

Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith

The Second Volume in the Acclaimed Series!

For more than four decades, New York Times and USA Today bestselling writers Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith have been writing professional mystery short stories that have won awards and sold millions of copies, plus they have been acclaimed and enjoyed by fans over the entire world.

Now, for the first time, they collect 100 of their mystery short stories into a five-volume series called Crimes Collide. Fifty stories total from each author, with ten stories from Rusch and ten from Smith in every volume.

Volume 2 takes a journey through history, but not always the one we remember. Beginning with Smith’s “Idanha Hotel,” from his Thunder Mountain series, about a desperate attempt to change the past in the old West and ending with Rusch’s “Updates,” which features crimes set on election night 1984, this volume explores past mysteries—from our own timeline and alternate ones.

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Crimes Collide, Vol. 4

Crimes Collide

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ebook, $6.99
Trade paperback, $24.99

hardcover, $39.99

Crimes Collide, Vol. 4

Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith

The Fourth Volume in the Acclaimed Series!

For more than four decades, New York Times and USA Today bestselling writers Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith have been writing professional mystery short stories that have won awards and sold millions of copies, plus they have been acclaimed and enjoyed by fans over the entire world.

Now, for the first time, they collect 100 of their mystery short stories into a five-volume series called Crimes Collide. Fifty stories total from each author, with ten stories from Rusch and ten from Smith in every volume.

Volume 4 features non-human detectives. Beginning with Smith’s “Cat Caught in the Art,” from his Pakhet Jones series featuring a superhero in the world of cats, and ending with Rusch’s “Helmie,” in which the search for a missing cat requires magical investigation, this volume offers wild adventures and some truly strange crimes.

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Crimes Collide, Vol. 3

Crimes Collide

Available in:
ebook, $6.99
Trade paperback, $24.99

hardcover, $39.99

Crimes Collide, Vol. 3

Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith

The Third Volume in the Acclaimed Series!

For more than four decades, New York Times and USA Today bestselling writers Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith have been writing professional mystery short stories that have won awards and sold millions of copies, plus they have been acclaimed and enjoyed by fans over the entire world.

Now, for the first time, they collect 100 of their mystery short stories into a five-volume series called Crimes Collide. Fifty stories total from each author, with ten stories from Rusch and ten from Smith in every volume.

Volume 3 features mysteries colliding across genres. Beginning with Rusch’s literary “The Young Shall See Visions and the Old Dream Dreams,” about a woman seeking a lifetime of answers, and ending with Smith’s “The Remodeling of a Life,” which features a fantastically long-lived assassin, this volume explores mysteries and crimes in otherworldly settings.

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Crimes Collide, Vol. 5

Crimes Collide

Available in:
ebook, $6.99
Trade paperback, $24.99

hardcover, $39.99

Crimes Collide, Vol. 5

Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith

The Final Volume in the Acclaimed Series!

For more than four decades, New York Times and USA Today bestselling writers Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith have been writing professional mystery short stories that have won awards and sold millions of copies, plus they have been acclaimed and enjoyed by fans over the entire world.

Now, for the first time, they collect 100 of their mystery short stories into a five-volume series called Crimes Collide. Fifty stories total from each author, with ten stories from Rusch and ten from Smith in every volume.

Volume 5 ends the series with dark or noir stories. Beginning with Rusch’s Edgar-nominated “Cowboy Grace” and ending with Smith’s “The Road Back,” from his Doc Hill murder mystery series, this volume offers stories you need to read with the lights on.

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Smith’s Monthly: Issue #59

Smith’s Monthly

Available in:
ebook, $6.99
trade paperback, $12.99

Smith’s Monthly: Issue #59

Dean Wesley Smith

This 59th issue of Smith’s Monthly contains more than eighty thousand words of original fiction from USA Today bestselling writer Dean Wesley Smith, including the entire six-story collection The End Might Be Interesting After All and the entire six-story collection called Fantasy Love.

Also included are five new short stories in some of Dean’s most popular series: “The Curious Reasons for Death: A Mary Jo Assassin Story,” “Trail Guns Meet: A Thunder Mountain Story,” “The Beauty in a Puzzling Case: A Sky Tate Story,” “Death and Life in a Long Hot Day: A Marble Grant Story,” “A Home for the Books: A Bryant Street Story.”

A whole lot of great reading awaits!

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