Well, we’ve certainly had a lot of plot twists in 2020, especially here in the US. And last week was a real doozy, as I’m sure you’re all aware. And because it’s 2020, the drama, of course, continues.

So, after a week of binge baking (and a newfound realization that homemade frosting is the only way to go), I’m focusing my attention on fiction plot twists.

In a bit of good timing, we have a new StoryBundle launching Wednesday that fits the bill perfectly: The Twist of a Knife Bundle, curated by our own Dean Wesley Smith.

The bundle offers ten mystery/crime ebooks for as low as $15, including three WMG books: Bad Beat: A Cold Poker Gang Novel by Dean, Thin Walls: A Smokey Dalton Novel by Kris Nelscott, and A Twist of a Knife: Mystery Stories from the Pages of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine, edited by Dean and exclusive to this StoryBundle.

You will be able to find more information about this bundle here when it goes live. So, be sure to check back Wednesday.

But right now, you can sign up to get your fix of mystery holiday stories (and fantastic ones and romantic ones) as part of the WMG Holiday Spectacular 2020 Kickstarter, which has just one week left to go. Click here to learn more about that.

The 2020 Calendar of Stories starts going out in just a couple of weeks (can you believe it?).

And if you need to just transport yourself somewhere (or somewhen) else altogether, fictionally at least, I have some good news there. The Big Time Bundle, curated by Kristine Kathryn Rusch, has been extended until Thursday, so if you missed that one, we’ve bought you some extra time. As a reminder, this ten-book bundle contains three WMG books: Kris’ The Renegat: A Diving Universe Novel, Dean’s Warm Springs: A Thunder Mountain Novel, and the StoryBundle exclusive Fiction River Presents: Time Travelers, edited by Gwyneth Gibby.

Click here to learn more about that bundle.

So much fiction to choose from. We’ll get through this year yet!

Allyson Longueira is publisher of WMG Publishing. She is an award-winning writer, editor and designer, working mother, and brain tumor survivor.