I’m still very much feeling the love this week. Our Valentine’s Spectacular Calendar of Stories is in full swing, and Fiction River: Chances, which is romance-themed, publishes tomorrow.

As I mentioned last week, my husband and I celebrate our wedding anniversary this month. I talked about falling in love with him in my foreword to Chances, which was edited by Denise Little and Kristine Kathryn Rusch. Here’s what I wrote:

The stories you are about to read might remind you of your own great love story. They certainly remind me of mine.

For many years, I thought true love was a construct of fiction. And I made decisions accordingly. When you don’t believe you’ll find love, you settle. And settling, I’ve found, never goes according to plan.

I settled twice before I met my true love. I was on my second marriage. He was engaged to the woman who would become his third wife (and his most regrettable choice). We worked together for a while back then. We connected on a deep level, but as neither of us were unattached, we focused on what it could be—friendship.

It would be a decade before the timing was right for us to take a chance on love. And a chance it was: me with two divorces and him with three. That’s one of the many ways I knew I had found true love: it was so very worth the risk.

And those are the very best love stories, after all. The ones that inspire hope.

Because true love is out there. You just need to find it.

You can start with the stories in this book, because each of them proves that finding love is worth taking chances.

And we could all use a few more happy endings these days.

And while we’re waiting for those happy endings, we can focus on happy moments. These stories, and the ones in the Valentine’s Spectacular Calendar of Stories, provide plenty of those.

To read more about Fiction River: Chances or to buy the volume, click here.

There’s still time to sign up for the Valentine’s Spectacular Calendar of Stories, too. Those stories will be delivered one per day through Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14. And if you buy the calendar, you will also get the ebook edition of the Sweet Valentines anthology, edited by Annie Reed, which will be released before Valentine’s Day 2022.

Click here to learn more or to sign up.

I encourage you to find a little more love and joy these days, with whomever or however you choose to share yourself.

Allyson Longueira is publisher of WMG Publishing. She is an award-winning writer, editor and designer, working mother, and brain tumor survivor.