Fiction River Presents: Time Travelers

Fiction River Fiction River Presents Anthologies Available in: ebook, $5.99 Trade paperback, $12.99 Get the ebook! Get the trade paperback! Fiction River Presents: Time Travelers Edited by Gwyneth Gibby The desire to travel through time occupies many daydreams. It...

Publisher’s Note: Travel to a Different Space and Time

I think we can all agree that at this point in 2020, we’d like time to move a little faster. Days feel like weeks, weeks feel like months, months feel like years. Or maybe decades. It depends on the latest challenge 2020 has thrown our way.

I’m actually on year two of the time experiment. For me, time started to work differently very early in 2019, when the effects of my brain tumor (as yet undiagnosed) became really pronounced. I was just about to celebrate the end of my yearlong recovery from the brain surgery to remove said brain tumor when the world shut down because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

That year of recovery moved very slowly at times, especially in the beginning. I’d never had major surgery, so I really picked a doozy of an introduction to the concept. I had no idea until after the surgery just how long it takes to recover from something like that. But I learned. And I adapted to my new reality, knowing that life would never be the same as it was before the tumor, but that it wouldn’t always be like the in-between of tumor to recovery.

The one-year anniversary of my surgery was March 29, 2020. The state of Oregon shut down because of the Covid-19 pandemic on March 23, 2020. I was just about to exit one health crisis when a new one started. But this one affected everyone. Which honestly made it worse.

But I had already experienced my own lockdown. The first six weeks after my surgery I was on concussion protocol, which meant I couldn’t do much of anything. I didn’t leave the house for anything during that time except my doctor’s appointments. And it would be months before I could handle being around larger groups of people because my brain would get so overwhelmed.

But after about seven months, I felt like I was returning to a version of my old self. Different, yes, but familiar. Time, at that point, moved faster.

Until it slowed down again for the pandemic.

Ebb and flow. I’ve stopped trying to keep track and just go with the currents of time these days. We all have. It’s the only way to stay sane during events like this.

Fiction writers have long explored the transient nature of time through their writing, and it’s particularly relevant at times like these.

So, while I can’t make time pass more quickly, I can offer up some fantastic fiction to figuratively transport you to all sorts of different places and times.

First up is our latest StoryBundle, The Big Time Bundle, curated by Kristine Kathryn Rusch. This money-saving bundle of ten fantastic books includes three WMG offerings (one of which is exclusive). Here’s a bit about the bundle from Kris:

Initially, when I planned this bundle, I was hoping for time travel. Maybe that was wishful thinking. Wouldn’t it be nice to go back in time and somehow prevent this virus from getting loose? Wouldn’t it be nice to go forward in time and skip the next round of Virus Life altogether? Wouldn’t it be possible to have control of time instead of being at the mercy of time?

Of course, those of us who read and love time travel know that things can go awry when we start messing with time. For all we know, we’re in an alternate timeline right now. In some alternate universe somewhere, our non-Covid selves are hugging friends as they arrive for some holiday gathering, maybe with some pie or pumpkin spice latte. We’re kissing babies and going maskless through the grocery store.

This StoryBundle has some very good fiction by some of the best writers I know. They’re taking us to the most interesting places, such as the Idaho wilderness in the early part of the 20th century. Or the year without summer in Europe—that would be 1816 to the rest of us. Or to the very far future—thousands and thousands of years from now.

The WMG books in this bundle include Kris’ The Renegat: A Diving Universe Novel, Warm Springs: A Thunder Mountain Novel by Dean Wesley Smith, and the StoryBundle exclusive Fiction River Presents: Time Travelers, edited by Gwyneth Gibby.

You can read more about the bundle here. And Kris’ full blog about the bundle is a really good read, too. You can find that here.

But that’s not all! Our latest release in our Year of the Cat project deals with the concept of time, too.

Here’s the synopsis of A Cat of Space and Time, edited by Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith. 

Cats often live in the world of science fiction and fantasy. Anyone who knows cats knows they bend time and defy gravity.

They walk through life seeming not to care about day-to-day events around them, and yet in the blink of an eye, they sense danger as if they see into the future.

Cat people also know their cats observe their human slaves for space aliens. We don’t mind, really. Of course, most cats, like nature, abhor a vacuum, so no technology for cats past a good can opener.

This volume focuses on cats in space and time and includes two helpful poems for those who still wonder about their cats’ occupations.

“Ten Ways to Know if Your Cat is a Space Alien” by Geoffrey A. Landis
“The Goddess Particle” by Daemon Crowe
“All Cats are Gray” by Andre Norton
“The Game of Rat and Dragon” by Cordwainer Smith
“Nefertiti’s Tenth Life” by Mary A. Turzillo
“Chimera” by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
“The Frayed Edges of the World” by Annie Reed
“Surfing the Swale” by Lisa Silverthorne
“Cat in a Hole” by Dean Wesley Smith
“More Ways to Tell if Your Cat is a Space Alien” by Mary A. Turzillo

You can check out that book here.

So, carve out some time for some new fiction. Maybe it’ll make time pass a little faster.

Allyson Longueira is publisher of WMG Publishing. She is an award-winning writer, editor and designer, working mother, and brain tumor survivor.


The Year of the Cat: A Cat of Space and Time

The Year of the Cat Anthology Available in: ebook, $5.99 Trade paperback, $12.99 Get the ebook! Get the trade paperback! The Year of the Cat:A Cat of Space and Time Edited by Kristine Kathryn Rusch & Dean Wesley Smith Cats often live in the world of science...

Publisher’s Note: Take Control of Your Career

Well, we were only into the first day of October before the surprises started coming. And while I’m not going to comment any further on those (in part because who knows what else will have happened in the few short days until this blog goes live), I do have a bit of good news to share with you.

It’s no surprise that StoryBundles offer great value. But the latest StoryBundle that WMG is participating in contains even more value that a typical StoryBundle.

NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) might still be weeks away, but with the time dilation that is 2020, there’s no better time to get a jump start on it. Curated by Kevin J. Anderson, the 2020 NaNoWriMo Writing Tools Bundle offers 17 books covering a range of writing techniques, as well as advice on business, markets, and career management. WMG has two offerings in this mammoth bundle that we felt were particularly relevant for 2020: How to Turn Setbacks into Opportunity: A Freelancer’s Guide Short Book by Kristine Kathryn Rusch and an online workshop from WMG’s Pop-Up Series, “#19: How Can Your Business Survive the Downturn,” taught by Dean Wesley Smith. The workshop alone has a value of $150!

Here’s the synopsis for How to Turn Setbacks into Opportunity:

Setbacks happen to everyone. Surviving them is hard. Surviving failure is even harder. But every successful person survives at least three failures before finding that success. So how do you turn failure to success?

The answers lie in this book-length excerpt from the massive Freelancer’s Survival Guide by international bestselling author Kristine Kathryn Rusch, who will show you how to turn those inevitable setbacks into opportunity.

And here’s the description for the Pop-Up workshop:

Scary times we live in at the moment for anyone in business, and all writers are in business even though they may want to ignore that fact.

This Pop-Up talks about Black Swan events and different things you need to do and be aware of to get your business healthy and to the new reality on the other side.

And as you can imagine with this topic, there is a really fun short story assignment with this one as well.

These and 15 more books could be yours for just $20. To see everything this StoryBundle has to offer, click here.

In these out-of-control times, one thing we can try to control is our writing careers.  

Allyson Longueira is publisher of WMG Publishing. She is an award-winning writer, editor and designer, working mother, and brain tumor survivor.

Keep up to date with exclusive deals on WMG products, including books and online lectures and workshops, as well as the latest news about new releases and so much more! Sign up for the Grab a Book and Chill weekly newsletter, and you’ll get two new free ebooks just for signing up: An Easy Shot: A Golf Thriller by Dean Wesley Smith and Days of Rage: A Smokey Dalton Novel by Kris Nelscott.

Publisher’s Note: Living in Cat Standard Time

We’re at the end of a holiday weekend here in the US, not that our cats have noticed. I have the day off of work and Nola doesn’t have school, but because we don’t actually leave the house for those things these days, the cats have lost all sense of time and perspective. And they really don’t get the concept of work time versus home time.

Apparently, having us home all the time means we now live in Cat Standard Time.

Take my cat Sydney, for example. He has taken to “supervising” my work. Both Sydney and his brother, Truman, offer very vocal commentary when I’m not practicing cat-approved ergonomics and will go so far as blocking any attempts to have a laptop in my lap (it’s right there in the name!).

Throw in the occasional reminder to get up and stretch (courtesy of a well-timed hairball threatening my shoes), and their lack of human language bears no impediment to their supervision.

My cat Max, on the other hand, thinks I should work more. His cat bed is right next to my desk so he gets extra pets throughout the day, and he will swat at either of my other boys if they try to interfere with my work schedule.

We have a small dog, too, but she gets no say in the matter. As the boys seem to imply: “Cats rule, dogs…well, we don’t recognize the validity of dogs.”

Despite the conflicting messages from the cats, they all wholeheartedly support our newest book release, the first volume in The Year of the Cat series, which we are launching thanks to our Kickstarter of the same name earlier this year.

Because, you know, it’s all about cats.

Here’s the synopsis for Book One:

In A Cat of a Different Color, the first volume of WMG’s The Year of the Cat series, editors Dean Wesley Smith and Kristine Kathryn Rusch worked to find stories that featured cats that were just a little surprising (an impressive feat for cats, anyone would have to admit).

Just a little weird. A little different.

Which makes these stories amazingly fun to read. After all, for cat people, reading about cats equals the fun of being with one.

Almost. Just don’t tell the cats.

“Familiar Territory: A Winston and Ruby Story” by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
“The Conscientious Cat” by Agnes A. Sandham
“The Mouth that Walked” by Dean Wesley Smith
“Do Not Resuscitate” by Dory Crowe
“Myrtle’s Boxes” by Louisa Swann
“Ornamental Animals” by Ray Vukcevich
“Christmas, Interrupted” by Lisa Silverthorne
“Blame it on the Ghosts” by Annie Reed

Click here for purchase information. 

We’ll be releasing one book a month over the course of the next year, so keep an eye out for each new volume. My cats insist on it.

And I think Sydney has figured out how to use Zoom, so you’d best do as he says…  

Allyson Longueira is publisher of WMG Publishing. She is an award-winning writer, editor and designer, working mother, and brain tumor survivor.



Publisher’s Note: A Time for Creativity

Easter is a major holiday in my house. It’s not a religious holiday here, but rather an important holiday for family time and fun traditions.

This year is obviously going to be quite different than any normal year. But then, last year wasn’t an atypical year, too, thanks to my atypical brain tumor.

Last year, Easter fell a little more than three weeks after my brain surgery. I was still spending most of my time in bed at that point and could not handle being around people very well. It was kind of the opposite of what the pandemic has wrought: not the physical distancing we’re doing now so much as true social distancing (as in, I couldn’t really interact with people for any length of time). I couldn’t handle loud (or even semi-loud) noises. I couldn’t talk on the phone much because any overlap in conversation (as happens on the phone) would cause my brain to shut down. I couldn’t even text well because the surgery damaged the functionality of my right hand (it’s mostly recovered now, but it will never be 100 percent).

So, I had some practice with the isolation thing.

We had already made the difficult decision to skip the annual Kiwanis Easter Egg Hunt, which is held on the Saturday before Easter. That was a tradition we’d upheld since Nola was 1. But the logistics of it (hundreds of excited kids crammed together in a park) were impossible for me at that point. And Nola didn’t want to go without me.

So, I couldn’t deny her our other tradition. Thus, Easter marked my first outing of any kind after my surgery. We spend every Easter with my husband’s family. They do a huge (and I mean huge) Easter egg hunt for the kids. About 20 kids and hundreds of eggs. It’s a sight to behold. Normally. I didn’t behold much of it last year, though, as even a family crowd proved too much for my fragile brain. I spent most of it in the car, but at least I was there, and more importantly, Nola was able to have fun and not have mom’s brain surgery dominate the day.

This year, of course, both of these events have been canceled because of another silent but potentially deadly microscopic invader. This one, however, affects the world, not just my close circle. This year, we’re all in this together.

Having experienced how important that sense of normalcy was to Nola last year, I knew it was my job (literally—I’m the club president) to find a way to salvage our Kiwanis Easter Egg Hunt somehow for all of my community’s kids.

At first, I was daunted by the task. I struggled to figure out how to even get Easter eggs to kids with the stay-at-home order and the high-risk status (for age or other health reasons) for many of our Kiwanians.

But as I’ve been seeing all the incredible innovation and flexibility of businesses, artists, performers and more, near and far, I was open to creative inspiration.

And I found it, thanks to our local cultural center.

The Lincoln City Cultural Center devised what they call the Creative Quarantine. Every Thursday, while practicing save physical-distancing practices, they distribute art kits to families. When I went to pick up Nola’s art kit the first week, it hit me: we could do the same thing with DIY Easter Egg Hunt Kits…if the cultural center agreed to let Kiwanis piggyback on their idea.

Only a few words into relaying the idea, the cultural center director jumped on board. So, last Thursday, three Kiwanians joined the two cultural center representatives in a parking lot and handed out kits filled with plastic eggs, candy, and toys to parents as they drove through.

We handed out more than 200 kits in our small town. And to make it even better, one of our Kiwanians hosted a virtual countdown via live feed on Facebook at the exact time the traditional event would have taken place. Kids and families posted photos and videos of themselves doing the hunt, together, from the safety of their own homes.

It was beautiful and inspirational and a wonderful reminder that we can all get through this together…it just takes a bit of creativity and being open to new ways of doing things.

I’ve taken that to heart not only personally but also professionally. All of us here at WMG have. We started with our Stay Inside and Chill Newsletter, which last week included four free books and this week will feature another free book and a host of discounts (to learn more about that, click here), and we will announce more projects in the coming weeks to help our readers get affordable or free access to the diversions we all need right now.

Because we’ve never needed creative thinking more than we do now.

Allyson Longueira is publisher of WMG Publishing. She is an award-winning writer, editor and designer, working mother, and brain tumor survivor.

Publisher’s Note: There’s Never Been a More Important Time for Reading

I’ve always been a big reader. (No surprise, given my profession.) I remember as a child staying up to read by the light of my nightlight. It was a tabletop porcelain nightlight shaped like a child praying. I’m told my poor eyesight resulted from those late-evening reading sessions with too little light. But I just wanted to keep reading!

So, I let my daughter stay up to read if she wants. I’d rather save her eyesight. And we all know that, unlike with screen time, when she gets tired, she’ll simply fall asleep.

Reading was always a solitary activity for me. A way to escape into a new world. It still is, but when I had my daughter, it became a bonding activity. I’ve been reading to her since the day she came home from the hospital. I read to her every night until the past couple of years, when she started reading on her own sometimes. But we still often read books together. Right now, we’re reading The Tunnel of Bones, which was a gift from Kristine Kathryn Rusch. It’s a wonderful book.

And with everything that’s going on with the world right now, reading is a much-needed escape (as long as you’re not obsessively reading news articles about COVID-19, that is).

In fact, reading has turned into an online activity of its own in these days of social distancing. Many famous authors and performers are reading stories online, streaming content online for free, and offering book readings and even illustration lessons. There are so many opportunities right now, that I thought I’d share with you some of our favorites.

Some of my 9-year-old daughter Nola’s favorites:

Some of my favorites:

  • Patrick Steward reads a Shakespeare sonnet every day.
  • LeVar Burton has turned his podcast “LeVar Burton Reads” into a livestream Twitter event, which has him reading children’s literature at noon EDT on Mondays, young adult at 6 p.m. EDT on Wednesdays, and adult fiction at 9 p.m. EDT Fridays. He kicked it off with Neil Gaiman, who gave Burton blanket permission to read any of his stories, so…
  • It’s not exactly reading, but Andrew Lloyd Webber is releasing a hit musical once a week for free on YouTube in The Shows Must Go On. They’re available for 48 hours and release on Fridays.
  • And my personal favorite right now: Samuel L. Jackson reading an awesome new twist on Go the F*ck to Sleep called Stay the F*ck at Home. I almost warned you that it’s NSFW, but…

The options abound out there. And don’t forget, if you still prefer reading as a solitary activity, we have many options for that right here at WMG. We have several first-in-series free novels (click here for options), and Kris posts a new free story on her blog every week (click here for the latest story).

Now, more than ever, happy reading to you!

Allyson Longueira is publisher of WMG Publishing. She is an award-winning writer, editor and designer, working mother, and brain tumor survivor.

Publisher’s Note: A Time for Innovation

Here in Oregon, we are under a “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order. It’s not a shelter-in-place order, but by later today, it might be. Given the number of visitors we had in Lincoln City this weekend, it’s pretty clear that the only way a lot of people will indeed stay home is if more extreme measures are in place. But that will be a blog for a different day.

Because every day now ushers in a new reality.

At WMG, we are following all the guidelines. All of our contract employees were already working from home in the first place. As for the three employees we have in the office, one is now working from home exclusively and the other has the main office space to use for himself. I alternate between working from home and working from my private office, which I can get into and out of without interacting with a soul as it has an exterior door and the interior door is locked.

We’re getting creative to keep business functioning as smoothly as possible. We’re lucky that we can do that. And our new ever-shifting reality calls for continued innovation and creativity.

I’m seeing that innovation and creativity at play in some unexpected places right now, and it’s heartening that we’ll all help each other get through this transition from what we knew to what the world will look like after the COVID-19 World Event.

Here in Lincoln City, most businesses are not on the cutting edge of modern technology. They’re mom and pop shops just struggling to make ends meet (even during a booming economy). Home delivery is not much of a thing here. Before last week, I could count on one hand the restaurants that offered it.

All that has changed now.

Many of our local restaurants (forced to close to diners but allowed to offer takeout and delivery) got creative for the delivery part. They have partnered with local cab companies (ride share hadn’t really become a thing out here yet) to help keep them in business, too, by turning them into delivery vehicles. They’ve set up online ordering so you don’t have to interact with a human at all. Just place your order and pay online, specify no-contact delivery, and the food is dropped at your doorstep and you get a text when the driver is at a safe distance. That’s a hell of a leap forward in the space of a week.

Our local family-owned theater is getting creative, too. They’re offering curbside pickup of fresh movie-theater popcorn for a one-hour window every evening for people to enjoy at home.

Meanwhile, all sorts of virtual experiences are coming online to help us all.

It can be easy to focus on the fear and uncertainty and peril and anger in times like these. Understandable, even. But I’m trying to find those rays of hope in all this darkness.

So, the staff here at WMG will continue doing what we do best: making products that entertain people, that provide a welcome distraction from the harsh realities we’re facing.

To that end, we’ll continue to focus in the coming weeks on great deals and free offers so that those of you who are suffering the most economically from all this have access to as much inexpensive entertainment as possible.

So, this week, let me remind you of two things:

Our Cave Creek Kickstarter offers you two ebooks right now (Thunder Mountain: A Thunder Mountain Novel by Dean Wesley Smith and The Gallery of His Dreams by Kristine Kathryn Rusch) for just $5. And for $15, you get five (the two just mentioned plus the three Cave Creek anthologies). If we reach our second stretch goal, you can add another ebook to those same values. Read more about that here.

And don’t forget to sign up for our Stay Inside and Chill newsletter. Everyone who gets that newsletter receives two free ebooks just for signing up: Life of a Dream: An Earth Protection League Novel by Dean Wesley Smith and Hidden Charm: A Fates Universe Novel by Kristine Grayson. Plus, you’ll be notified of our weekly deals on bundles and other special pricing. Click here to learn more or to sign up.

And don’t forget to check out our free first in series books here.

Stay home if you can and stay healthy, everyone!

Allyson Longueira is publisher of WMG Publishing. She is an award-winning writer, editor and designer, working mother, and brain tumor survivor.

Publisher’s Note: Last Chance to Get Great Rewards from the Pulphouse Subscription Drive on Kickstarter!

Our Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription Drive on Kickstarter is going amazingly well thanks to fans both new and long-established. We are so very grateful for your support!

If you have been meaning to check it out but haven’t yet (and believe me, I get it; so much to do, so little time…), now is your last chance. The Kickstarter ends Wednesday, Sept. 11, at 3:38 p.m. PDT.

As of this morning, we’ve already hit four stretch goals, which means supporters at the $5 level and higher get the following great rewards (in addition to their initial pledges):

  • one additional electronic copy of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine
  • ebook copy of Aliens Among Us: At Least in the Pages of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine
  • ebook copy of That’s Really Messed Up: Stories from Pulphouse Fiction Magazine
  • your choice of any lecture WMG Publishing does for writers ($50 value)
  • ebook copy of A Twist of the Knife: Mystery Stories from Pulphouse Fiction Magazine
  • your choice of any Classic Workshop WMG Publishing offers ($150 value)
  • ebook copy of Best of Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine
  • ebook copy of Best of Pulphouse: The Fiction Magazine
  • The First Myth Lecture Bundle: Creations ($200 value) 

As you can see, your pledge gets you A LOT of great stuff. And the higher the Kickstarter goes, the more rewards you can rack up.

Surely, that’s at least worth a look. Check out the Kickstarter here.

And if you’ve already supported the Kickstarter, be sure to check out all the fun stuff you’ll be getting once the Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription Drive ends on Wednesday.

Again, thank you all. We couldn’t do this without you!

Allyson Longueira is publisher of WMG Publishing. She is an award-winning writer, editor and designer, working mother, and brain tumor survivor.

Publisher’s Note: Retrieval Artist Series ebooks are on sale—for a limited time

Kristine Kathryn Rusch’s Retrieval Artist novels are dangerous ones for me to work on. Dangerous, because of the amount of time it takes me to do anything with them.

You see, they are so compelling that I get sucked into the narrative and can lose vast parts of my day reading. It happens every time. The books are that good.

And obviously, I’m not alone in thinking that. This series is extremely popular with fans and reviewers alike.

And now it’s on sale in ebook for a limited time.

If you’re unfamiliar with the Retrieval Artist series, it all began with the Hugo Award-winning novella, The Retrieval Artist, about a future private investigator of sorts, working a case on the Moon. That one novella (which is actually set much later in Miles Flint’s career than the novels) sparked a series so richly developed that Miles Flint has been called one of “the top ten greatest science fiction detectives of all time” by io9 and one of “14 great sci-fi and fantasy detectives who out-Sherlock’d Holmes” and “a candidate for the title of greatest fictional detective of all time” by Blastr. Analog has said of the series, “The SF thriller is alive and well, and today’s leading practitioner is Kristine Kathryn Rusch.” And The Edge Boston says, “If there’s any such thing as a sci-fi CSI, the Retrieval Artist novels set the tone.”

The series has garnered much more acclaim, but you get the point.

For those of you who haven’t yet experienced this intriguing universe, you’ll want to start with The Disappeared, which is available for free for a limited time in ebook here.

Here’s the synopsis:

In a universe where humans and aliens have formed a loose government called the Earth Alliance, treaties guarantee that humans are subject to alien laws when on alien soil. But alien laws often make no sense, and the punishments vary from loss of life to loss of a first-born child.

Now three cases have collided: a stolen spaceyacht filled with dead bodies, two kidnapped human children, and a human woman on the run, trying to Disappear to avoid alien prosecution. Flint must enforce the law—giving the children to aliens, solving the murders, and arresting the woman for trying to save her own life. But how is a man supposed to enforce laws that are unjust? How can he sacrifice innocents to a system he’s not sure he believes in? How can Miles Flint do the right thing in a universe where the right thing is very, very wrong?

This Endeavor Award-winning novel is Flint’s first adventure, the story that turns him from a police detective in the Armstrong Dome on the Moon into a Retrieval Artist.

The rest of the novels in the series (all 14 of them) are $3.99 for the ebook (again, for a limited time). There are seven books in the original series and another eight books in the Anniversary Day Saga. You can read more about the series and find the complete reading order here.

Just remember that I warned you about these books—once you start reading, you’ll find it very hard to stop until you get to the very end. Now, that’s great writing!

Allyson Longueira is publisher of WMG Publishing. She is an award-winning writer, editor and designer.

Publisher’s Note: Two Surprise Gift Boxes, Just in Time for the Holidays

Today is Cyber Monday in the US, the day of great online deals to kick off the Christmas shopping season. It follows Black Friday (for great deals on in-store shopping, particularly at the major retailers) and Small Business Saturday (a holiday promoted by American Express to encourage shopping at, you guessed it, small businesses).

The opportunity for big discounts used be limited to a few hours of mad shopping. Recently, retailers have started expanding the great-deal window to last through the week.

Here at WMG, we decided to go one better: We have two amazing deals on book gift boxes that last for the better part of a month.

The WMG December Holiday Spectacular includes two surprise gift boxes: one for writers and one for the whole family. Each is valued at more than $250 but is an amazing holiday deal for $50.

The WMG Surprise Holiday Gift Box Includes 40 ebooks (novels, novellas, short-story collections, magazines, boxed sets, bundles, and a sampling of something from each of our 33 series). It has something for every reader and is a great way to share (or discover for yourself) why we call WMG The Home of Great Fiction!

The WMG Surprise Gift Box for Writers offers 12 ebooks, 1 classic workshop and 1 lecture to help the writer in your life make the most of their writing career.

The gift boxes will be available to order until noon PST December 19. They will be delivered on December 20.

So, if you’re shopping for that hard-to-please relative, need a gift for the person who has everything, or even looking to help someone celebrate Jolabokaflod in grand style, why not give the gift of reading with one of our WMG surprise gift boxes.

You can find out more and place an order here.

Allyson Longueira is publisher of WMG Publishing. She is an award-winning writer, editor and designer.