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Publisher’s Note: All Kinda of Learning
I’ve been in teaching mode a lot lately. Last week marked the end of the semester at Western Colorado University, where I’m a lecturer in the Publishing Concentration for the Graduate Program in Creative Writing. And, of course, we do all sorts of teaching here at WMG.
Most of our online courses are taught by Dean Wesley Smith (although Kristine Kathryn Rusch and I have contributed a few there, too). And as this is the Time of Great Forgetting for writers, we’re holding a flash sale on all of our online workshops and lectures.
It runs through 7 p.m. PDT Wednesday, May 11.
To get 50% off on anything on WMG’s Teachable online courses, just click here and hit purchase. Then on the next page, put in the code:
And if you want some great suggestions on how to make the most of the flash sale and keep focused over the next few months, check out Dean’s blog here.
Kris and Dean also write a lot of books on writing and the publishing business. Those come in the form of our WMG Writer’s Guides and Kris’ Freelancer’s Survival Guides.
And this year’s 2022 Write Stuff StoryBundle offers the best of both worlds from WMG: an online workshop and a Freelancer’s Survival Guide three-book bundle.
It has eight other fantastic writing and publishing guides, as well. I wrote all about it in last week’s blog (which you can find here), but it ends this week, so don’t miss your chance.
Click here for more information.
There’s a lot to be learned from fiction, too, I’ve found. And here at WMG, we, of course, have fiction in spades.
And our latest issue of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine offers up some of the most cutting edge writing out there!
Here’s the synopsis:
A three-time Hugo Award nominated magazine, Issue #17 of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine offers up twenty-one fantastic stories by some of the best writers working in modern short fiction.
No genre limitations, no topic limitations, just great stories. Attitude, feel, and high-quality fiction equals Pulphouse.
“Fast” by J. Steven York
“Uncomfortable Shoes” by Rob Vagle
“Ascent of a Lifetime” by Karen Aria Lin
“Candy Detectives” by Connor Whiteley
“Between a Sock and a Hard Place” byTeri J. Babcock
“Toobychubbies” by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
“Another Body” by O’Neil De Noux
“Murder by Voice” by Kent Patterson
“It Came from the Coffee Maker” by Martin L. Shoemaker
“Locks and Keys and the Truth at the Heart of It” by Dayle A. Dermatis
“Baby, One More Time” by David H. Hendrickson
“The Diaper Room Key to Cosmic Plumbing” by Brenda Carre
“Cleanup Crew” by Ray Vukcevich
“The Case of the Missing Semicolon” by Christina Boufis
“This World We Live In” by Chrissy Wissler
“Harvey’s Babies” by Louisa Swann
“New Beginnings” by R.W. Wallace
“Red Letter Day” by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
“As If Nothing Had Happened” by Jerry Oltion
“Death of a Woman of Ill Repute” by Annie Reed
“The Asteroid That Stays Crunchy in Milk” by Robert Jeschonek
I mean, look at that list of titles! How can you not want to dive into such a fantastic collection of stories?
Click here for more information.
So, kick back and dedicate yourself to some quality reading time!
Allyson Longueira is publisher of WMG Publishing. She is an award-winning writer, editor and designer, working mother, and brain tumor survivor.
Publisher’s Note: Improvement Projects
We’re in home improvement mode at my house. While I was on vacation a couple of weeks ago, for example, we started painting walls.
Our house has a bit of an odd construction. It has a gambrel roof, which you can read all about here. The long and short of things is that this roof style is something not seen much in modern construction, and certainly not often on houses (it’s mostly barns and warehouses).
Adding to this oddity, the house is built into a hill, with the main living areas on the top floor and the bedrooms downstairs in what is technically a daylight basement.
Because of the roof style, our main floor is mostly one big open room, with a bump out in the middle of one wall for the full bath (why there’s a full bath on a floor with no bedrooms, I don’t know). Otherwise, it’s a big open space with high ceilings and a lot of surface to paint, including a 30-foot-long stretch of wall.
So, we started with that long wall.
And I’m amazed at how much of a difference a coat of paint can make. The house seems brighter, even though the walls went from a stark white to a greige. Sometimes, just polishing up one element can be a real game-changer.
We find that with writing, too. Maybe it’s your characters that need polishing. Or maybe you want smoother first drafts. Or perhaps, it’s a bigger change: like quitting your day job and writing full time.
Just like there are tools for painting, there are tools for writing. And The 2022 Write Stuff StoryBundle can help you with everything I just mentioned and a whole lot more.
Here’s a bit about the bundle from its curator, our own Kristine Kathryn Rusch:
In the 21st century, the writing world changes daily. New tech, new ways to promote, new ways to think about publishing. One thing that doesn’t change? How to tell good stories. The other thing that doesn’t change? The difficulties of living the writing life. In the Write Stuff Bundle for 2022, we have all of those topics covered, from how to live the writing life to the latest greatest tech.
This fantastic StoryBundle contains several offerings from WMG, including A Freelancer’s Survival Guide to Starting Your Own Business (a three-book bundle) by Kris and a pop-up workshop from Dean Wesley Smith on Clean First Draft Writing. Add in eight other writing tools on topics from blockchain to publishing pitfalls, and this bundle has you covered.
Click here to learn more about it.
So, go on. Grab some new tools and put that finishing touch on whatever aspect of your writing needs polishing.
You might just see your words in a whole new light.
Allyson Longueira is publisher of WMG Publishing. She is an award-winning writer, editor and designer, working mother, and brain tumor survivor.
Publisher’s Note: Getting Down to Basics
We’ve started a new blog/newsletter called Every Day’s a Holiday on Substack, and we’ve had some fun with funky holidays, some of them quite whimsical, but who’s counting, right? We’ve celebrated Everything You Think is Wrong Day, and National Get Over It Day, among others. And later this week we’ll be celebrating National Tell a Story Day, of course!
But today is an actual National Holiday as declared by Congress, and it highlights one of my favorite facts of nature. Today is National DNA Day, celebrated on April 25 every year since 2003, to commemorate the day in 1953 when Nature magazine first published the findings of Francis Crick and James Watson describing the structure of DNA.
Mind you, there were numerous other scientists who contributed to the discovery, including Raymond Gosling and Rosalind Franklin, Linus Pauling and Robert Corey. But as with many scientific discoveries, popular history tends to boil down the process until we have a name or two associated with really big strides in our attempts to understand and describe the world around us.
But here’s the thing about DNA that I love: it is composed of the same four nucleobases—cytosines, guanine, adenine, and thymine—in every single living thing. Everything. Every organism, whether plant, microbe, or animal, has them, and every living thing uses those four nucleobases to replicate and eventually determine the structure and function of every part of the approximately 13 million species on our planet.
What an amazing and beautiful and efficient world we live in!
I spent most of my formal education in the humanities, learning about arts and letters, performing arts and media. Which is my excuse for why, when I finally got around to finishing a BA in my late twenties, I had to take some science classes, one of which was molecular biology, and I did not know this fact of nature. I’ll never forget how astounded I was the day our professor told us that DNA’s building blocks, its four nucleobases plus the sugar and phosphate molecules to which they are attached, were in every living thing.
I was gobsmacked.
You mean plants don’t have plant building blocks and fish don’t have fish building blocks?
Nope. All the same stuff.
It gets better. Not only are all living things constructed using the same nucleobases, even the famous double helixes those bases form (as described by Crick and Watson) are remarkably similar from one organism to the next.
In 2003, after the Human Genome Project had finished mapping the miles of human genes, which contain the DNA and RNA genetic material, they announced that all human beings share 99.9% of their genetic material, only a tiny proportion is different from one person to the next; and humans and chimpanzees share 96% of their genetic material, humans and bananas have 60% similarity in genetic material, and even 60% of the genetic material of fruit flies is the same as humans.
Which explains The Fly, among other things.
But I digress.
DNA belongs to all of us, or we belong to it, from the soaring eagle to the slug, and everything in between. We are the same.
When you get down to basics, we are vastly more similar than we are different, and here’s the best part: it seems to me that treating the small differences from one person to another as welcome variety, as nature’s way to entertain us, keep us on our toes, rather than as something to fear or deplore is unquestionably the way to go.
That meager .1 percent variation can account for some very entertaining novelties; I mean from Picasso to Banksy, from Shakespeare to Chinua Achebe to Ursula Le Guin, from Louis Armstrong to Hildegard of Bingen to Sting—there’s an awful lot to enjoy.
So, Happy DNA Day everyone! And don’t forget to check out our weekly Every Day’s a Holiday at WMG newsletter!
Gwyneth Gibby is associate publisher of WMG Publishing. She is an award-winning writer, former Hollywood director, and an expert in narrative storytelling.
Publisher’s Note: Mysterious Circumstances
I hate garage sales. I know many people enjoy them. The mystery of whether that found item is trash or treasure. The adventure of the hunt for great bargains found only at garage sales. The thrill of getting something useful for a steal.
I hate holding garage sales even more than shopping them. But for some mysterious reason, I seem to forget that hatred every decade or so and agree to have one.
This past weekend was one of those lapses.
Every year, this part of the county holds the Great Oregon Coast Garage Sale. (That’s grandiose marketing for a sale that only includes about 10 miles of said coastline, but that’s marketing for you.)
This year, they decided to hold it on Easter weekend (for reasons I can’t quite fathom—it’s usually the weekend after Earth Day, which makes much more sense). And in order to inspire my daughter to par down the copious amounts of stuff that fill our house, I agreed to participate.
WMG Associate Publisher Gwyneth Gibby and I held one together. In addition to working together, we also live right next door to each other (and have been friends for almost 20 years now), so our worlds collide a lot.
Garage sales are definitely better with friends, but I’ve once again vowed to never do it again. It rained on us twice (ah, the Oregon Coast) and by the end of the day my body hurt in ways that I haven’t experienced since I underwent brain surgery.
All for $87 in profit. And I still have a bunch of stuff to get rid of somehow.
But my daughter is happy with her newfound cash (I let her keep it all), and we do have less stuff.
Still, if I ever talk about holding another garage sale, someone please stop me by any means necessary. It won’t be a crime, it’ll be a mercy.
I’m not sure whether Kristine Kathryn Rusch or Dean Wesley Smith has written a story about garage sales at some point, but I do know that they’ve written plenty of crime stories.
And if you missed our Kickstarter back in January, good news: Crimes Collide, Vol. 1-5 officially publish tomorrow. Here’s a bit about the five-book series:
For more than four decades, New York Times and USA Today bestselling writers Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith have been writing professional mystery short stories that have won awards and sold millions of copies, plus they have been acclaimed and enjoyed by fans over the entire world.
Now, for the first time, they collect 100 of their mystery short stories into a five-volume series called Crimes Collide. Fifty stories total from each author, with ten stories from Rusch and ten from Smith in every volume.
Volume 1 starts off the series with light or cozy stories.
Volume 2 takes a journey through history, exploring past mysteries—from our own timeline and alternate ones.
Volume 3 features mysteries colliding across genres.
Volume 4 features non-human detectives.
And Volume 5 ends the series with dark or noir stories.
To learn more about the series or to buy the books in ebook, trade paperback or hardcover, click here.
Now that’s the right kind of mystery!
Allyson Longueira is publisher of WMG Publishing. She is an award-winning writer, editor and designer, working mother, and brain tumor survivor.
Publisher’s Note: Tools of the Trade
We did some minor remodeling last week. At least, it was supposed to be minor. Home improvement project never turn out to be as minor as they should be, I’ve learned. Especially in older homes.
What was supposed to happen was the replacement of our kitchen sink and faucet, as well as the addition of an under-sink water purifier.
That all did happen, but for a while, it looked like we were in for a very expensive complication.
Once the old sink was pulled out, we discovered dry rot in the counter. As we figured out a plan to address that (without replacing the counter), we also discovered that the new sink (despite having the same dimensions as the old sink) didn’t fit into the hole. Different attachment system (who knew?). But that dry rot meant simply cutting a bigger hole was a real challenge. The plumber wasn’t entirely sure what to do (other than get a new counter), so I called in a neighbor friend from down the street who I knew had the tools and carpentry skills to problem-solve. What he didn’t have, it turns out, was the people skills to work with the plumber.
Meanwhile, I didn’t have the coping skills (bad news from the vet, but that’s another story), so my poor husband, who had just arrived home from an appointment, walked into a real mess. Normally, I’m the one to handle these situations (years of apprenticing my stepfather in his handyman business come in, well, handy), but not that day.
So, off to work I went and left the men to sort things out. I guess I missed quite the show. The plumber almost walked out. The neighbor did walk out. And John, who does not tolerate drama, cut the hole himself.
When I came home, we had a pretty new sink and faucet. And I didn’t need to order a new counter. Sometimes, the best way to manage a situation you’re struggling with is to recognize that you can’t manage it.
Writers face this all the time. A million hurdles can come between a writer and their writing.
That’s why WMG offers so many courses to help writers recognize those hurdles, and even more importantly, overcome them.
As I mentioned last week, we have the most extensive offering of online writing workshops available anywhere. And you only have a few days left to get everything we have available on Teachable is half price! That’s right: all classes, workshops, lectures, pop-ups, subscriptions, challenges…everything!
Just go to, hit “See All Courses” and find the course you want.
To receive the discount, click Purchase on the course(s) you want and then on the top of the next page put in the coupon code:
The spring sale will last until 7 p.m. PDT Thursday, April 14.
Now, I can’t guarantee you won’t find more issues than you expected when you start delving into your writing blocks, but WMG’s Teachable provides all the tools you need to fix them. No plumbers necessary.
Allyson Longueira is publisher of WMG Publishing. She is an award-winning writer, editor and designer, working mother, and brain tumor survivor.
Publisher’s Note: A Decade in the Books!
I reached a milestone over the weekend: 10 years at the helm of WMG. I have a beautiful bouquet of flowers to mark the occasion (Thanks again, Kris and Dean!).
That’s really amazing, when I think about it. When I joined the company, I was the only employee, and it was in the very early stages of a startup. Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith, the owners of WMG, could promise me a year’s salary, but the rest was up to us to make the company a viable endeavor.
And boy, has it grown since then. We had some rough spots in the early years, like all startups do, but we’ve grown every year since the start. We now have about 1,000 titles in our inventory, and our core staff has been on board for five years. Last year alone, we published more than 200 new titles (which is an impressive feat that should not be repeated because of its insanity <grin>).
But our book inventory is not all that has grown exponentially. Our educational offerings, in the form of writing lectures and workshops, has grown exponentially, as well. As of today, we have 224 online workshop and lecture options available on Teachable. Unless I’m wrong, this is the most extensive offering of online writing workshops available anywhere. You can find a wealth of classes taught by Dean, of course, Kris, and me.
And as of today, everything we have available on Teachable is half price! That’s right: all classes, workshops, lectures, pop-ups, subscriptions, challenges…everything!
Just go to, hit “See All Courses” and find the course you want.
To receive the discount, click Purchase on the course(s) you want and then on the top of the next page put in the coupon code:
The spring sale will last until 7 p.m. PDT Thursday, April 14.
So don’t wait! WMG’s Teachable is your premier learning resource for writers, by writers.
Allyson Longueira is publisher of WMG Publishing. She is an award-winning writer, editor and designer, working mother, and brain tumor survivor.
Publisher’s Note: Time and Space
Reading the news these days makes me feel like I’m in some sort of alternate timeline. It’s like the past 40 years never happened and I’m right back to hearing about Russian invasions and nuclear war and World War III.
As a kid growing up in New Jersey, I was doing air raid drills in elementary and middle school much later than many of my peers. New Jersey was home to Bell Labs (now Nokia Bell Labs, but in the ’80s it was Bell Telephone Laboratories until 1984 and then AT&T Bell Laboratories). Bell Labs was considered a major target for a nuclear attack.
So, every few months, there we were, responding to a sound I’ve never heard associated with any other kind of emergency drill and quickly making our way into the hallways to get on our knees, facing the wall, with our heads down in the junction where wall and floor meet and our hands laced over the backs of our heads. I was told at one point that this was because the anus was the safest orifice for nuclear exposure. I suspect that was bull. In reality it was probably more a physical representation of the metaphorical: bend over and kiss your ass goodbye…
Nothing like an apocalypse drill to make an impression on your school day.
And while we did manage to escape the ’80s without triggering an apocalypse, I’ve been drawn to apocalyptic fiction ever since. And space travel. Because I’ve always figured that if we can conquer space travel—true space travel—we’d be smart enough and united enough as a planet to stop threatening each other with nuclear war. At least one can hope…
Naturally, WMG has a book series that addresses all of that. It’s Dean Wesley Smith’s Seeders Universe series and it’s the subject of our latest Kickstarter, the Rescue Two: A Seeders Universe Kickstarter.
This Kickstarter, in case you haven’t checked it out yet, has really taken off, and we couldn’t be more thrilled.
Since, as of this morning, we’ve already hit eight stretch goals, here’s what you will get with any reward you choose:
A Billion Earths: A Seeders Universe Collection
Life of a Dream: An Earth Protection League Novel
Ball of Confusion: An Earth Protection League Novel
The End Might Be Interesting After All (short story collection)
Time for Cool Madness: A Marble Grant Collection
A Case for Aliens (short story collection)
Playing a Hunch: A Poker Boy Collection
The Big Tom: A Pakhet Jones Short Novel
Writing workshops on Teachable (valued at $150 each)
That’s a galaxy of great stuff with every reward.
Click here to read more about the Kickstarter. But don’t wait. The Kickstarter ends Thursday.
And if you want another out-of-this-world deal that you can start reading right now, check out the Aliens Among Us StoryBundle, curated by Dean.
This bundle includes three WMG titles—Aliens Among Us: Stories from Pulphouse Magazine, edited by Dean; Alien Influences by Kristine Kathryn Rusch; and a short story collection by Dean called Alien Vibrations—as well as nine other awesome books.
As always with StoryBundle, you name your own price and can choose to stick with the four included books or go all in for the full 12-book bundle. Plus, you can donate to the incredible AbleGamers charity while you’re at it.
You have a little bit longer to get in on this great deal, but only an extra week, so don’t dally.
Click here for more information.
If there is alien life out there, I sure hope it proves to be smarter than we humans seem determined to be these days.
Allyson Longueira is publisher of WMG Publishing. She is an award-winning writer, editor and designer, working mother, and brain tumor survivor.
Publisher’s Note: A Galaxy of Options
Well, I guess the US Senate reads my blog because they unanimously passed the Sunshine Protection Act last Tuesday. I guess they’re as over the time change as I am.
Once I got over the shock that the US Senate unanimously agreed on anything, I did a happy dance. But I had little time to dwell the news last week, because we launched a new Kickstarter on Thursday!
Our latest Kickstarter is called Rescue Two: A Seeders Universe Kickstarter and it’s already doing spectacularly well. We funded in less than an hour and were designated a Project We Love by Kickstarter in less than a day.
Plus, we’ve already hit the fourth stretch goals.
The Kickstarter is the first and best place to get Dean Wesley Smith’s latest Seeders Universe novel, Rescue Two.
Here’s the synopsis:
In deep space, bubbles of void space form to keep a balance between matter, space, and time. Inside these bubbles, time barely exists. Five days for a ship trapped in a bubble might be equal to millions of years in real time.
For seven million years, Seeders did not know these bubbles existed and ships kept just vanishing until Chairman Evan West discovered the Void Space Bubbles and learned how to free trapped ships.
Now Chairman West, his wife Tammy and the thirty-five-thousand crew of the Rescue Two must find and free the ancient Seeder ships.
A galaxy-spanning rescue mission like no other before it.
We’ve got lots of cool rewards, including, of course, the new novel, plus the first-ever Seeders hardcovers and two Kickstarter-exclusive writing workhops (Writing Idea Fiction and Writing about Time). And for every additional $2,000 the Kickstarter earns, more stretch rewards add on to your haul, including fantastic ebooks and valuable pop-up workshops.
We’ve also rebranded the series with amazing art exclusively created for the Seeders novels by the incredibly talented Philippe Frias (aka Philcold).
I could tell you more about it, but you really should just click here to watch the video, read the story, and check out the rewards.
And while, thanks to Brandon Sanderson’s wildly successful (and deservedly so) Kickstarter, the traditional publishing world just discovered Kickstarters as a way to get books to readers, our readers already knew that was old news. We’ve been doing it for years.
And why? Because it’s a really cool way to get books into readers’ hands early and generate excitement about a project with lots of great stretch goals and other features that you can’t employ through traditional means.
Kickstarter may love our projects, but we also love Kickstarter and our Kickstarter supporters!
Allyson Longueira is publisher of WMG Publishing. She is an award-winning writer, editor and designer, working mother, and brain tumor survivor.
Publisher’s Note: Changing with the Times
I’m grumpier than usual about Daylight Saving Time this year. Maybe it’s just because this has been a hard year, and I’m tired, so I’m just grumpier than usual in general. But I’ve been getting increasingly annoyed by this twice-yearly time change for a while now.
It didn’t used to bother me much. Oh sure, it was really annoying when I was a kid and it got dark at like 4 p.m. (I lived in New Jersey), so if I had to take either of the late busses home from school because of after-school extracurriculars, I had to walk home from the bus stop in the dark. And I’ve always resented losing that hour of sleep every spring.
But mostly, it was a blip. Now, however, I find it increasingly annoying because the more I’ve learned about it over the years, the more I realize this is a legacy system we should have jettisoned years ago, but momentum (and lobbying) carries us ever forward.
For an interesting read on the history of Daylight Saving Time, click here.
Now, I’m not going to comment on the politics of Daylight Saving Time. I don’t care if we switch to Standard time permanently or Daylight time permanently or split the difference. The trick is permanent! Stop moving my clock around.
I know, I know, first-world problems. And I recognize the irony of wanting a change to stop the clock from changing.
See, I’m not opposed to change. Not at all. A lot of things need to change. Change can be a powerful force for good. But once a pattern is set, we as humans can have a hard time making those needed changes.
Kristine Kathryn Rusch writes about historical precedent and the human resistance to changing it quite often. Her latest story on that topic, “Alien Ball,” is available free this week on her website.
Here’s the synopsis:
Frank loves basketball. His long career covering basketball puts him in high demand. His purist views on the game well-known.
So, when the Ashtenga seek to form an Ashtenga/Human League for basketball, the Interglobal Sports Network wants Frank to give voice to the anti-alien point of view.
Everyone, including Frank, thinks they know what point he will argue.
But what Frank discovers might change his views…on everything.
Chosen as an Asimov’s Readers Choice Award finalist, “Alien Ball” looks at the history (and future) of basketball from a fresh new perspective.
Click here to read this story as part of Kris’ Free Fiction this week. You can also buy the story for future reading here.
One thing that will never change is the power of great fiction.
Allyson Longueira is publisher of WMG Publishing. She is an award-winning writer, editor and designer, working mother, and brain tumor survivor.
Publisher’s Note: Every Day’s a Holiday at WMG
Have you heard about WMG’s latest project?
The Every Day’s a Holiday at WMG newsletter offers specially curated ebooks and discounts only for subscribers! For your $5 a month subscription you get a story or collection (and even the occasional novel) every week that relates to an unusual and fun national holiday.
So, I thought I’d offer a sneak peek at what we have coming up for this week so you can see what it’s all about.
Wednesday, March 9, is National Get Over It Day. There’s so much we need to get over these days that this holiday seems more apropos than ever.
But to narrow our focus, I chose to offer products that speak to moving past an obstacle.
I’ll start with the book we’ve included in this week’s newsletter: The Poker Chip by Dean Wesley Smith, the first book in Dean’s Ghost of a Chance series.
Here’s the synopsis:
Starting into a brand-new series, USA Today bestselling author Dean Wesley Smith asks a simple question: What happens if ghosts can fight crime and bad guys?
Just fifteen minutes after Dr. Jewel Kelly meets Deputy Sheriff Tommy Ralston, they both die. They simply become ghosts, hanging around their own death scene in the mountains of Montana, waiting for something to happen. But even as ghosts they find each other really attractive.
In life, they both worked to help people. It seems that in the afterlife, their job continues.
The strangest crime-fighting ghost duo ever. And the sexiest.
Talk about needing to get over something. Embracing a new life after death definitely fits that bill.
Dean’s Ghost of a Chance series is definitely out-of-the-box creative. And he couldn’t have written it if he suffered from some of the issues writers routinely face that can prevent them from coming up with great stories.
So, to help with that, we’re offering 50% off of a WMG lecture and workshop on Teachable that can help writers overcome such problems.
The workshop, #9 Pop-Up…The Author Problem, teaches writers how to get out of their own way in publishing.
The lecture, Writer’s Block and Procrastination, offers eight videos by prolific writer Dean Wesley Smith to help writers get moving with their writing.
Every week brings a new holiday and new books and discounts, so be sure to check it out. At only $5 per month, it’s a great deal!
So, don’t procrastinate. Get on over and subscribe here.
Because Every Day’s a Holiday here at WMG, and we want to celebrate them with you!
Allyson Longueira is publisher of WMG Publishing. She is an award-winning writer, editor and designer, working mother, and brain tumor survivor.